Monday, June 24, 2013

a ponder

to summarize, i really love my june holidays a lot. Catch up with lots of friends heheh.. oh well i cheated though, met marilyn before school holiday started.
meeting her brought bittersweet memories of being in lg.. the whole complex situation, i was afraid of letting her know that i was attached.. i was scared of being judged again.. after the whole period of doubting and people telling me how my feelings would get played.. i just couldn't stand either a close friend of mine telling me that it won't last.. did tell her in the end, and surprisingly she gave her blessings.. was really. really touched.. and i will only see her next year or something HAHAHA. due to our busy life.. 
˜ 02 june
met with joes after with her "boyfriend", i still feel weird whenever i see them together, but i would always always from the bottom of my heart, support them be it whatever they have been through.. maybe because i have always wanted this best friend of mine to receive the happiness she deserve, no matter what form it comes in.. she deserves it.. was talking to her about ced.. and was wondering still whether it was ever right to go into a relationship with him.. whether we would last.. left that day feeling no more puzzled than I already am...
˜03 june
went out with baby the next day.. was a short while..he accompanied me to the hospital appointment.. and at that time i really felt so blessed to have him next to me..despite my nervousness.. i guess i just never like going to see the doctor.. even worse when I'm alone.. as my thoughts would literally kill me.. but i guess he.. being there, really helped. :) 
~04 june
went with jaz to watch epic! hehehe, first time going out with her, was really weird but nice.. the first person i talk to when i come to this foreign school.. and the one in og i still keep contact with.. sharing about things with her always make me feel happy... glad to know this cheerful kid. =) after that, was called down by joes to go study, oddly enough, she still remains the best studying partner i could ever have, while talking to her, started talking about the future.. and makes me really wish somehow i could last with ced...
˜05 june
went to school.. for physics.. quantum physics.. was refreshing to see the class. hehehe.. but tiring nevertheless.. the whole brain was fried by the end of lesson.. and still have to clear up for the class. haish.. always getting bullied by them i swear.. went to meet gab, ruth and corrine after that, was late though.. throughout that, all i was talking to was to gabby and asking him about how to care for my boyfriend even more.. always feel that I'm not giving enough.. hahahs... ruth and corrine eavesdropped.. nearly got caught.. i guess till then.. I'm still nervous about this relationship.. and it was really fun teaching corrinne math! hehehe. met with rekhy after that, haven't seen that girl for the longest time ever, after we separated class in secondary 2, i surprisingly got closer to her.. i guess with us having the same experience, was really crazy.. but somehow it was still nice to have met up with her.. and filling her in on drama.. love this girl.. 
˜07 june
lessons after lessons.. was really drained after chem and math.. saw her.. but it still ache nonetheless.. but i won't do anything anymore.. i always feel like laughing at myself for even have been so close.. than to have fell away so bitterly.. the signs were there.. she has always give off the same vibes as the other her.. who was I to deny my own gut feelings... went with patricia and soul sister to watch after earth˜˜ it was nice :D :D really enjoyed that movie.. action packed and all.. went to finish up chem after that in the library.. 
˜08 june
met up with jingsui early in the morning~ was late though.. :x was just talking about being in a relationship.. sometimes i still think its odd how i know so much about zk without even being close to him.. lol.. it was always nice meeting her.. and just filling her in on my life, makes me look forward to every monday so much..  Then met with anna and watch at any price. Was nice meeting her again after such a long time.. one year plus..?
˜11 june
was sistarrrrrr outing˜˜˜ finally met char after so long.. was just walking around, shopping hehehe. went to play arcade. beat the high score for basketball HEHEHHEE. and played car racing, i remembered baby was teaching me how to use drift.. but still can't catch the hang of it.. oh well~took neoprints.. been damn long since i ever took them and it still looks damn chio when i take it when them.. of course,  throughout the whole day.. was missing baby.. haha i even took out foolscap to write out the solutions for him and teach him.. went to met joe after that, the few primary school friend i still keep in contact with, even though we are in the same school now, it still is hard to meet up, and i guess I'm glad she's doing well, in her walk with God and all.. was happy to see she got over her ex.. though it was still sad how it all ended.. 
met up with joyceeeeee˜˜ been long since i met up with her too!! and ohmygoshhhhhh all the stuff she got for me, and still spazzing over the green dress, and the shoes, and the bag˜˜˜ and of course the meal she treated me, always feel happy to go out with her too... i guess i can always get perspective about the world from an adult eh? 
˜13 june
the day i was really looking forward throughout my whole june holiday. the meet up with UN. or rather NSH now.. but the gossip hehehe, they're still the same as ever, will never imagine how i cope with my relapses and everything without this 9 friends/sisters of mine.. and even though we promised to dress nicely, we still sit like we were back in sec school.. oh where were the days..

*yawn* i wish to continue.. but work calls for me...  what i need to finish now is math revision package, redo my binomial, normal tutorials.. finish up on econs.. start on econs essay.. start on physics.. do my chem satt and do 2012, 2011 chem ct2 papers.. yep.. a lot of work to do...