Thursday, September 5, 2013

Life's memories

It's amazing just how time flies so fast.. and when we look back, I'm just so grateful for the people in my life..
I woke up lateeeeee, spoil the whole mood sia!!! I was supposedly to reach school at 7, yet i woke up at 6.20, that was already a major uh-oh. Think i forgot to set alarm yesterday cause I was so tired D: Then, tried to put on my contacts, and in the end that took forever too, and to add to using concealer, I swear my life just get better... couldn't find the shirt that I wanted to wear and was already late like crazy, like 7 and i'm still at home, can you imagine the panic  Grab an outfit that i wanted to wear, changed my bag, cause the other was too bulky and just left the house. Waited for so long for the bus to come and while waiting, one of the contact came off T_T And i realize in my hurry to rush to change bag, my spectacles were left hanging in the other bag. So I was half-blind. Bam!
Went straight to mac to get a slice of cake for the awesome birthday girl and board the bus to school at like 7.30 T_T I'm so late >~< But it was still fun seeing her, hehehe. Making her smile and giving her hugs, make me feel like at the very least, all of it was worthwhile~~ And apparently, cause of the wonders of concealer and contacts, some of the juniors couldn't recognize me :O I look different, so says grace who was like gushing at how pretty i look *flicks hair at own  vanity*
Took a bus..On the way, it was so cold and i was shivering throughout. Damn.. and i was like hope i get there on time. Through it was raining cats and dogs, lightning and thunder. Lightning strike the area a few times, and i swear i keep getting freaked out.. fear was so intense for a few moments.. but i get there unscathed. Went to eat texas chicken and got to know a really pretty girl who apparently shares a lot of similarities with me. But I wonder.. just how similar two people can get. I used to think monkey was the one who was so linked to me, but guess not..
rushed to my old school after that. was so fun, hehehe. And we were exclaiming how much it has changed, sapphy and I. Hahaha~ met some old friends, some juniors and teachers~~
went to eat at tiong, eating subway. I was like i ate bread for breakfast, bread for dinner, may i please not eat bread for dinner. Was fun talking to her and saw some jj peeps, lixin too! Hahaha remind me of how she taught me poetry skills~ While sending grace back to her place, we're like randomly singing choral songs, missing choir so terribly much... D: Haishhhhhh~~ ^^ but it was fun nevertheless~~
then went to catch a movie. God it was so damn funny, when the robot was flying. I teared though :( like 3 times, damn im so emotional. haishhhhhhhhh then met grace again ^^ hehhehe. i'm travelling so much so tired.... then went to talk to her, spazz about snsd and sunny~~
was walking home when a junior pat me on the back and she went to laselle, which i was like ohermgawdddd so damn tough school to get in and she got in on pure music piano background :O

life;when we trail and walk along the road, stop and take awhile to look back. For one, always forget the footprints one leave behind