Sunday, January 17, 2010

i swear i will love being a qm so much..
don't make me do anything else...
i love being a qm~
using tweeter now.. kindda weird..
are you still looking at my blog?
it's kindda dead.. won't update much already
well.. drama stick with me till the end.
i really wish i can do something
to stop those tears from falling
to stop those angry remarks from hurting
but i can't
thus the only few resolution i have:
1) score well in exams
2) don't emo at all if possible
3) even if i'm emoing, don't make it THAT obvious
4) lie better
5) stop running myself down
6) stop emoing to people. they have tons of troubles to think of
7) be a useful person in com and be a nice qm
8) plan the best outings for people
9)cheer my awesome, fantastic friends up

though i think the only few i can do is probably none of it..
sigh.. well.. number 9 need working the most


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