Thursday, April 29, 2010

this is so fun, i have completely grew insane.
gone were the days where i would sleep at sane hours
another one is leaving, i will miss her.
her and her boiiing.
managed to completely lose myself to insanity.
with every single day, i have grown used to things.
remembering to lock all doors and windows.
fell asleep and forget to wake up. -.-
end up at tiong. again
being awesome as usual, i have managed to misplace my specs.
: O
i had no freaking clue it dropped out..
was like damn slow...
"idiot, how did you manage lose it??"
" i decided to sleep and put my specs in my pocket.."
" why the hell do you do that..?!"
"who ever heard of people sleeping with their specs?!"
" it's even more retarded to go looking for your specs!!"

and that's how i almost become a bat today!
caramel is turning violent.. and she says i'm violent...
gosh. the song was introduced by my sis!
then went out with my brother-in-law
which has turned to my son~ haha.
she's violent... i had a red hand print from assembly to prove it.
re: 老师,我是从来没感情的。。

Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus
Huic ergo parce, Deus
Pie Jesu Domine
Judicandus homo reus:
Huic ergo parce, Deus.
Pie Jesu Domine

Lala's lullaby


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