Saturday, May 1, 2010

met joyce today ^^
had waffles -love- eggtarts -love- scrambled egg -love-
stole 1 packet of maple syrup from her! -love-
长长久久orh joyce!
hehe. she might be coming to my house more frequently
luh.. yay!
met nina, she changed. a lot. haha, was freaking out
how the three of us know each others.
then went to watch iron man2~ nice movie.
then went to jojo's house..
got lost. again
i need to remember where's my left and right.
i keep getting mixed up..
i kept shouting right while i was pointing to my left.
such amazing skills i have.
remember that dad took a long time to teach me,
in the end he gave up and just fill the answer for me :D
this shows that daphne can get lost everywhere
for she has no sense of direction
tsk tsk. i was walking around.. panicking.
hehe. then we planned out amazing race. AWESOME

well the draft is more like this bah.. if i can still remember
---- ----
fill in the first letter of the clues given below
1)a fragrant ___, that has petals and bees collect nectar from ( jojo was saying bees sucking nectar XD)
2)____ friendship day
3)something that you can sing that have words and lyrics
4)somewhere you live and belong in
5)a stationary you write with
6)__ door
7)a compliment you give someone _ice
8)_aphne( give away!)

then to go to next station
they are supposed to do 50 jumps, sing baby and run around once quacking..
hehe. they look so cute singing the song.

next station!
they have to do 30 sit-ups, 15 burpies and 50 jumping jacks! XD
i feel like a slave driver somehow... hehe. but they have the energy~
then we made them ran all the way up to the balcony!
have a talent show. so every person, one min.
they sang and even sing their school song.

haha. then we had the ultimate.
we make them stand next to the pool and
ask them to sing their school song
while closing their eyes.
and we did it.

we pushed them into the water.
and from then on, it was just basically
running away from them, as they
were kindda not happy being tricked
and kept trying to make us soaking wet.
then i kept wanting to push jojo in
and vice versa. in the end,
we ended up like 落汤鸡。for me, 鸭子。
hehe. today is fun! but it will be
mugging for exams all the way..
i wonder what happen to those days
where we used to be so free


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