Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ok... sorry lp for not calling before you left..
honestly when i came home, i was dead tired. still, i'm sorry ok!!!
duh, i'll miss you... haha. ya la.. you want to be the only one right?
today, we had choir. i guess major stuff happen.
haha. everyone felt so. i mean it's so unexpected and like everyone just grew silent.
but still deep inside, it is clearly shown the cracks of flaws, and once there are too many holes,
it might be hard to patch it and will we then continue making sure it stays or let it crumbles and
fall apart. yet i really can't see anything we can do to solve it. but let's face it, at this rate we are going, all we do is crash into a wall. maybe then we will see that we aren't all that superior, we make mistakes. mistakes make, had we ever learn from them? it seemed only just yesterday that everything just start falling apart.

ok. i think i should stop rambling


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