Sunday, November 21, 2010

Concert was awesome.
Hectic yes. Maybe cause the job scope, had
to do the make up, hair style and all. But still i love

Succeeded in taking everyone in choir :D
Performance was so-so i guess.
Climb every mountain was shaky, the voice parts were rather uncertain.. and I can't seemed to feel the song that well :/ and wasn't really doing a good job at it..
Ants summer. It was okay i guess. Just that the dramatic just wasn't enough... the solo parts didn't really stand out..
Salve regina... I thought this was the worst. The quality and depth just wasn't there. I think last year performance i put in more depth into it... or i think that's what it is called...
Every time i feel the spirit. This song i felt it the most i guess during the concert. and just do some kind of facial expressions which i hope means that i'm actually showing what the song means.. . still the song wasn't really strong..sounded weak...

Hahaha. i think all the songs quite weak... But it's over so can't do much. Probably just have to train harder for syf next year and we'll see how...
Finale was epic.
But other than that, i had fun running around, fretting over my hair.. it keeps coming off :O
Went out with the lifegroup :D
Was funnnn!!! Heee got flowers too.
sam drove us to eat. I didn't know he drive.

Went home..
wanted to have like a marathon to talk till wee hours.
but the spray sting my eyes and wanted to rest.
and fell asleep... Sorry mama!!! D:

If today was a fairytale, let this day never be ruined by logic


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