Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Epic day ever

I think i'm really such a klutz..
But today was seriously the best!!!! ^^ SUPER AWESOME.
met lovinlife first.. hahha she was working at bakerzin..
I think the supervisors there must have thought
i'm some kindda weirdo, always loitering..
but because mel was late or i was too early = =
but i had to run an errand BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

Actually it was rather ok-ok before the whole movie thing
I bought them flower (: Pink rose for lovinlife
she was wearing pink hence the colour.
Mel... i got her a red daisy (: Daisy being her fav..
uhhh red looks the nicest.

Lunch was actually just mostly walking here and there
trying to find a place to eat... Hahaha, but i'm like
the total opposite of Grandma ( AND YES, SHE ACKNOWLEDGED ME ALREADY!!
cause she like veggies and all,
and basically veggies just turn me off...

So met uncle at the cinema,
and guess what.. I really think I made history
with the dumb stuff i did...
Cause mel entrusted the tickets to me
and..... being me, I lost them...

yes, I'm such a clutz.

But running here and there,
mel asking lovinlife to check the flower..
(i have no idea why..)
it was in the place where we eat..
must have dropped when i was showing mel
the badges..
can you imagine it?! It's like super crowded and everything
and not one person actually pick up the tickets,
and it's like even my chair where i was sitting has been moved
And also, the thought that i might dropped it in the food court
It's like such a BIG sign that He really want me to watch this movie!

And well, basically even when i was finding the tickets,
i was being myself again. such a clutz -.-
almost fell off the escaltor

I didn't realised Narnia was written by a Christian author
and that Aslan was actually talking about Jesus!
I had always LOVE the LION without realizing that.
Some quotes which i REALLY LOVE.

“I am,” said Aslan. “But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”

Aslan: Things never happen the same way twice, dear one.

Peter Pevensie: Lucky you know.
Lucy Pevensie: What do you mean?
Peter Pevensie: You've seen him. I wish he'd just given me some sort of proof.
Lucy Pevensie: Maybe we're the ones that need to prove ourselves to him.

Really teared... mel and gab were making fun of me for that = =
then we just walked around i guess before settling down to eat ice cream..

We all shared what we love about the movie.
Mel was like scolding gab for making her miss that important line
Teehee. I didn't miss it though Really powerful words.
Mel and I fav one has to be the one where Lucy was tempted to sin.
Throughout the whole movie, it has all just been about temptation.
The Devil trying to tempt us to do sins, but unlike real life,
we do not have green smoke to show that.
Sigh, i was looking through the web for the quotes for that particular part
couldn't find it at all. ):
Okay, according to how i remember it, Lucy has forsaken herself for beauty
And there are just something only one can do that others could not,
and it's really something that has impacted me, to listen to what
God really want me to do and not stray from that path and listen to what
others' want me to.

HAHAHHA,then we started talking about pokemon for some reason.
I think over the scenes we cried over.
Bye bye Butterfree!! Mel and I high fived for this
Pikachu leaving Ash. Pikachu wishing not to evolve. Mew and Mewtwo fight where Ash turned into stone.
LOVE. I always thought i was emotional..
can cry over drama.. Mel watched Fated to love you too!!!

Then we had discipleship! Of how we must continue to stick close to one another
as a community and grow spiritually closer to God. Really powerful messages
Then joyce came.. Mel and her chatted for awhile..
and i was like thinking to myself.. teacher to teacher-in-training..

Then i went off with joyce... hahha, i feel really high and crazy with her.
keep calling her my mama. Then she was like saying how i'm like
acting yadar yadar in front of lifegroup because i was like so si wen.
Also because i was like telling mel i'm like the craziest one among my friends.
Cat agree with me!!
Then she was giving me this disbelieving look. HAHHAHA

Super high seh today.
i really love today a lot. GUESS WHAT


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