Tuesday, March 29, 2011

28 posts about me

since cat posted up 28 facts, i thought i would be fun if i did too~
Ps: This was until i did to #20. And i'm already dying about what to say about myself
#1. My twin is not a bird. It's a cat (:
#2. I sing random songs for no goodness reasons and love doing so.
#3. I am directionally challenged and somehow or rather, people still ask me for directions :/
#4. I have the tendency to daydream when i eat.. hence i eat really really slow.
#5. I am very very fussy with food.
#6. I have been in fights before, and broke many school rules.
#7. I look different with every photo i take (: Or so told by Cat.
#8. I was told that i was from another country and was offered a house to stay.
#9. Lollipops are my absolute fave. They cheer me up (:
#10. Lactose intolerant, can't talk milk, but still i take the risk
#11. I tend to be very emotionally involved and empathize easily
#12. I'm addicted to books. (:
#13. I was in ballet before... hahhaha.
#14. I do stupid things all the times and love how i managed to do it.
#15. Love sun basking, i'm a plant~~
#16. I always do crazy things with friends esp Cat.
#17. I forgive easily, but i never forget.
#18. I apparently have been told i look like p3 all the way to 21.
#19. I love comics and anime like D.gray man, Fruits basket, Chobits, xxxholic, Tsubasa Chronicles
#20. I can't wear wigs. tried. Epic fail.
#21. I will be the one squealing when someone poke me.
#22. I love running, must have been influenced... -.-
#23. I have the tendency to think negatively and be depressed.
#24. I tend to be closer to friends who are older than me
#25. I was send to the hospital from school before.
#26. I love nail designs.. so pretty..~~
#27. I write poetry to vent off my feelings
#28. Last but the most important of them all, I believe in You.

Phew, this took me awhile.. but evil line is still not done with her essay >:(
it's been two and a half hours!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

lying there, bundled up.
Mutters of apologies would slip.
Realization struck home,

Would it be enough,
if time would turn.
Where childish stunts, pranks
all become banned.

sorry. if only i could say that.

How many people are there,
who can handle your tears.
your insecurities.
get away.
before you become your very own nightmare.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Splitting moment

Right there, as you take in a gush of breath
trying to make sense of what's going on,
the crowd goes restless, uneasy,
watching with those vulture eyes, stripping you
down to your rawest core.

how at that moment,
you wish a hole would come to swallow you up.
To cave in, to hide away.
As the applause died, and you are left
to deal with the chilly silence.

At home. sick. ):
It makes me feel miserable enough.
Hyperventilation, so apparently this duck has gotten too high.
hmm. oh well, there goes my tuesday.
I miss pril ):

Let yesterday's nightmare pass like a dream.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

if time lapse means eternity

4 years pass just like that,
13 march. A fateful encounter to a blissful end.
But had it rained just as hard as it had that night?
Engraved deeply, mutters of apologies
Thousands words unheard, yet till now,
I only realize how childish those seemed.

Been sick all these days.. ):
What i would give just to spend a day
Just staring into space and being blissful in the
Company of the sun.

Mum's birthday is coming uppp so is cattttttt
and i only sold 3 coupon out of 10.... ughhhh
things to do things to do.....

Forgive me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Saying Thanks

Hahahaha, i felt like today somehow 1st march is a mark to saying thanks (:

I wanna give praise to each and every one that has been there for me.. yep yep... so pardon the listing and all.. I just realize how people always treat things that come to pass for granted and all, and i really felt like firstly i should give thanks to well.. God. God, thank You for all the people You have put into my life, my family, my friends, and even people i have yet to meet! Thank You for all the little things and big things that You have so carefully placed. Thank God for giving me so many opportunities to share the Gospel and to spread Your love (: And i know that even through all the stuff that i have been through, it's all under Your control and i lift it all up to You, because i know You will never let me go through anything that i can't bear. Thank You for lifegroup, for the people that are in it, my Heavenly Father, thanks for such a lovely spiritual family who never fail to support me. Thank You Lord for the church i am in, that never fails to impact life, and our faith for You will continue burning and we will never be lukewarm! Thank You too for the discpleships that i'm having, let me never take for granted all the things You have done, for such stuffs are not something that is of ordinary and for that, it makes all newcomers even hungrier for You Lord!!
Thank you to the people in lifegroup.. I haven't really like get to know most of you yet, but still thank you for always being there for me. Charmander, for her silly and absolutely adorable character, thank you for always trying to be there for me, and always putting a bright smile in my face. And that for being the first to welcome me into lifegroup. Thank you!
Thank you Lord for the most faithful person i could ever know, Pril, my mum who always nag at me all day, Thank you April for all that you have done in my life, thank you for being the one who always persisted when i felt like giving up on myself, thank you for being the one brought me to Christ. I know that you have good intentions, and being your stubborn daughter, i am a lot to deal with, but thank you for your never ending love!! Love you a lot mum!!
Thank you SJ for always the late night chats we always have, thank you for always worrying over me, even though i know i get annoying sometimes with my meals and all, hahhaha but thank you for always encouraging me and spurring me forth!! I love you ahh yiiii!!!
Thank you Gab! For the times we chat, and how you will encourage me to continue going on in faith, when my faith seems to be dwindling, thank you for all the words that you showered me, and it was also due to how you would say i would lead others out of the same situation, i began to really work hard to continue praying and just keep the faith. Before long, 2 people accepted Christ! I thank God for them too.
Thank you Rachieee! Thank you for all the times we talk together, my mentor!!! I always love how your expression is just so hilarious and i love how you would take every minute details into consideration, thank you for always being there for me, I really enjoyed all our discipleships together, how i would always lament and we always sidetrack but still thanks for being such an encouragement!!
Thank you Yiting!! thank you for always sending me such positive sms-es to always encourage me even more to continue following God and never look back. It makes me even more at ease knowing there's someone out there who shares the same feelings and i really feel so happy when we always managed to spur each other more, it just make me feel so happy we can all be able to worship and praise God together.. HAHAH love you sister in Christ.
Thank you Grandma!!! HAHAHAH Thank you for always listening to my woes, thank you for always being understanding to whatever i went through. Giving me such advices so i can continue spurring people forth in faith and as well as mine. I enjoyed all the discpleships we have, and how i learned a lot of truth collisions. Thank you grandma for just being grandma, naggy yet at the same time i know you always have the best interest in my heart (:
Thank you Ah kor! Thank you for all the verses we shown each other, and how you were the first one to cheer me up over this period of time, thank you for the encouragement that you have shown. Even though we didn't know each other for very long, but your love for Jesus encouraged me to continue keeping the faith no matter what happens, fight on mates!
And all of the other lifegroup mates that i'm not very close with but still help me out here and there. Really love you all too, so very much ♥

Thank you Cat. Thank you for all the crazy stuff we done together, thank you for always being there to hear me. With you, i don't have to act, you never fail to make me smile, so thank you so much for all that you have done. Thank you for never pushing me away no matter what happen, no matter how much i emo, you are always there. Thank you for the love you have kindly shown to a duck, and loving this duck with all her craziness and emoness. Thank you so much Cat, this past 2 years with you, has been well worth, and full of memories that i will never forget. ( i don't even know half the time what we're laughing over) So yepp i will miss you ♥ when this all ends.
Thank you EPH. For all the crazy stuff we done together, even when we spent most of the time mugging for homework and exams, thank you for always listening to me. Treating me too. (: You can be nice when you want to, but tsk tsk, always so mean to me. But still i wuv you desk partner, thank you for the 4 years.
Thank you Lynn, Thank you for all the times we spent together talking, even though there were some fights during first part of the friendships, and how rocky and diminished it seems to get, thank you for never giving up on me, no matter what happened, being my battery hen/ah ma, i really love those days where there's less stress, where we can study together, and play just as hard! Thank you for knowing just exactly how i feel and always trying to help me out! Where we will always be scolded for running in the sun and how we always burst out laughing for no goodness reason. thanks so much ♥
Thank you Carm, for being the one in LF, that always drag me down during recess to get food, i love your cuteness and how you always give such straightforward, blunt answers that always seems so funny!! I love messing up your fluffy hair, hope to see huffy too! I miss the times we hang out, thank you for being such a dear in my life.
Thank you Nat, thank you for all the sick jokes we spent in the art room, and how we always managed to continue talking to each other even though you changed school, always keep the faith yeah! Love you nat, i hope to see you soon.
Thank you Hasee, for being just as sick and always being there for me, I know you never fails to worry and care for each and every one of the LF, and you always seem so cool to admit it, but i know under that goofy smile of gecko, you care just as much as the others do. Thank you so much for listening to me and standing up to me during the first two years.
Thank you Jojo, for always going out with me, and knowing how hard it was for me to be in the middle. Thank you for all the times we spent talking to each other about our problems, and inviting me over to your sis parties and all. Thank you for the fights we have, the laughters we shared, and yes, i'm still taller than you. (: I wuv yoouuuuu
Thank you V for all the tears we shed and the laughter we have together, thank you this dear sister of mine who have ever been so lovely, who always managed to say what my heartfelt thoughts are, thank you for being such a dear in my life, and going through all the sweet and tough times, i wouldn't have been able to be who i am without you right by my side, hwaiting~ :D
thank you Joyce, thank you for all the comfort you share with me during my first two years which had stopped my depression, thank you for sharing the most practical advice, and always treating me to meals, i love it too! hahahah i miss you a lot, and teaching is horrible but still thanks for always having the patience and always managed to teach me with all the cheeky stuff i come up with.

Thank you all that i haven't mentioned.. i will do so soon.. but i'm getting tired... ): So yepppp