Monday, April 18, 2011


two years have passed so quickly.
through it all, i learned so much, to forgive and to let go.
Yet the disappointment sting linger deeper than before.
Was it perhaps cause it was our final year?
Or that i was finally fully aware of the consequences
and the impact of it all?

but i guess amidst all these,
i really wanna thank God, for well the award.
It make me realize that we were on the standard range
within the seniors, and had not dropped that much
compared to last time. When the seniors left, i really thought choir would fall
apart, especially in our hands.
I'm glad it didn't.

Also, if we were to get gold, it might just make the choir complacent over their results.
not that they didn't put in effort, but to be honest, i can say so myself,
i had not put in as much effort into it, we're hypocritical in that.
Always saying how others are lousy, before we stood back to reflect
that we are all just the same

But i wish you have not raised our expectations.
Even though the repeated times of saying we would get certificates,
i really had wished we would be able to prove ourselves
to attain a sense of fulfillment.
But what's done is done, i can't say more than this.

Choir will be something that leave behind a pile of memories.
i had many laughters with dear friends,
i make close ones,let go of some.
I have trusted, i have been hurt
i have cried, i had fun.
I lost my voice

i learned about the brutality of truth, and sometimes
misunderstandings can just not be cleared.
dramas do ensued, work tend to be pushed to others.
But nonetheless,
i gladly say i did not regretted being in choir
despite the numerous attempt to quit com or quit choir
or just being depressed about myself

the voice the spirit the soul.
Crez choir.


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