Monday, April 25, 2011


It seemed weird to post things now,
but today is a really special day.
And well ( cause my printer is still printing my amath papers
which i will be chionging no doubt till wee hours)

Well.. spare the cliche beginning
of how everyday seemed to be perfectly normal..
but it was actually... just minus
the getting up late and having to wreck the still sleeping
brain of what to change a boring title
to what may get us an A for essay.
It didn't help of course, that i had so nicely forgotten
to get something to eat and forgotten to bring my
water bottle. -cries-

lit was well, the same. except my alarm rang off
in the middle of the class... so yep..
that was kindda ohmygoodness.
Physics.. was bad... i ended up feeling like puking..
nausea at all. gosh
i feel like i'm describing myself being pregnant
(i'm not.)

i think i survived school today,
pretty much. I finally passed emath. HAH.
Okay... but i was irritated
that i could have gotten myself much higher, if it
wasn't for careless mistakes here and there,
and well, being thrown straight into
a timed trial right after i came back to school.

But i guess the most significant of today was
I actually opened up.
Which was something i had never expected myself to do.
It seemed almost well, not me.
a 2 hour and a half long talk..proved to be utterly draining on me.
then again, it was probably also caused i had an attack before that.
I was truly grateful for it, really.
it meant a ton to me, to finally be able to mouthed out those
thoughts and feelings into words.

Isn't it ironic?
You care so much about everyone around you,
but not yourself.
How do you expect others to love you
when you don't even love yourself?


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