Saturday, July 16, 2011

To you

Thank you for walking this long path with me.
You never fail to make me smile,
and every concern you had for me will always welled the tears inside.
I hadn't realize time past so fast, and before long,
we had to say goodbye.

But had I really been grateful?
Stubborn nature and willful spirit
always lead me to do things according to my own ways.
had it been so long?
When was the last thank you i had said to you for
all that you did?

Time erodes away memories, names, faces.
I hope the cruelty of it won't wash away the
words you had spoken to me.
You had left an impact in my life,
something i might one day forget,
but not right now.

You and I both love watching clouds.
I had never told you.
But clouds reminded me of what lies ahead.
Each cloud is different and unique in its own way.
You can never catch a cloud, for it flee too soon.
It signify something more, not of the imminent rain.
even if it block the sunshine,
it held endless of possibilities.

And that even if it was to rain,
clouds tell me that so long as i change my view.
There will always be a rainbow waiting for me.

you had showed me the ray of sunshine
in those rainy days.
breathe and breathe even more.
thank you.

To you,
it will always be an endless
stream of gratitude.

I'll miss the times.


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