Monday, October 17, 2011

Locked tight

Selfish-devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarilywith one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardlessof others.

I don't know why but your words still ring in the air. It brought me back to the time where another person said that same thing. I have no idea why I emphasize so much on such a word, but it really hurts. And it just make me feel as though i have to do more and more to prove that i'm not that way, and often end up becoming tired of myself, because then, i don't even know who i am truly anymore. I'm just trying to rebuke a point through my whole life then. 

It's like I have people on one side, saying i'm not selfish at all, that i'm in fact pretty much "selfless" in a bad sense, cause i care too much about other people than myself, and i end up doing things which benefits others instead of myself.. and there's the other extreme, you calling me selfish.

I get that sometimes i revolve around my own world, but i can't help myself... It's gonna take awhile for me to recover from this. I saw it. I badly want to cry, but i realize i couldn't...

Because i was to blame for all this.

Kay bye.



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