Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello December

I kind of like doing a review of how my year been. So here's my last year resolution.

"In 2011, I would not be the emotional person. I would take on harsher responsibilities, and i would not depend so much on what others think of me and instead be the person i am and will be. I hope that this year i would grow more with my friends, my lifegroup, my family. I would curb my temper, and throw lesser mood swings. And finally I hope 2011 i would stop letting the memories hurt and learn to trust people again."

Well, emotional, i still am. That is something that I'm grateful that i have not changed, i don't know, maybe it's through that i learned how to be able to empathize more easily. Harsher responsibilities.. Hmmm well, I did take on harsher responsibilities with work and probably in choir in syf, and also at home. Depending on what people think of me, hmmm that affected me first half of the year, but as times goes by, i stop caring, because somehow it makes no sense anymore. And i have awesome friends to cheer me up (:

Here comes the difficult part, Growing more with my friends i sure did. I met friends at work, who are way older than me hee. But also in school, where i am happy and wanted, though i know my illness has not been co operative with me, but i hope that i have grown to be more mature? (when i am not childish that is) 
Lifegroup, hmmm. I have grown further away, though it's not my wish, but i guess i can't do anything to change it, family is just a matter that won't change.
Memories stop hurting after awhile, and yes i do learn to trust people like laoshi, ruo ning and of course, joes and joyce.

Syf Is over and so is O's. This year has been tough, but i'm glad the road that i forge with my friends has been memorable. It seems as though school has ended, but those times has not. I miss them, all dearly.

Waves will wash away the footprints we left in the sand, but memories that we make, will never be washed away through the waves of times. Look back and smile at all the countless times we spend together, the happy and the sad. For those times have pass, and we have moved. Forever you will be in my heart, so when we finally part in January, may you remember that you will always be in my heart. Forever and always. 



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