Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cutting Ties

Maybe just maybe,
I decided to stop hurting myself.
To not live in denial anymore.

Your sorry cuts like a knife,
my heart could no longer take.
Instead of bleeding,
the red lines serve well to remind me.

I really hate how I'm feeling this way.

Saw this and well, why not?

Definition of lie:
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive an intentional untruth a falsehood
2. to express what is false convey a false impression.

My definition?
Any lie, be it a white one or a black or who knows what colour, is still a lie. And the thing about lies? They get back to you one day, no matter how hard you try to cover up it, or whatever reason or motive you have behind it, a lie will be found out. When you lie to someone, please just remember this. A friend had believed in you, genuinely believed in your lies. The one who has trusted you to say the truth. You know what really irritates me, when people lie, about the most grave matters. That's as good as breaking a promise.


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