Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A little update

First thing first, year 2 is such a pain in the ass with its workload and datelines. But somehow it seems easier to breathe compared to year 1 where i was just bloody stressed about everything. i'm glad though that through it all, I still have people by my side, to do the weirdest and randomest of stuff.

I was pretty proud of myself earlier on the semester for signing up for 15km run even though I havent exactly run in a very long while, make that close to a year plus. Though I didnt run all the way, I was pretty pleased with my timing and knowing my condition + the fact I didnt finish last, I was really really happy. I dont know how many people know how much this significance means to me, but it meant a hell lot, knowing I'm pushing past my limits to do the things I want to do, which bring me to another point, I am officially in dance~~~ whee, not sure about crew yet but learning the stuff I've been wanting to do so, despite objections from others, be it for money-wise or for health-wise, I'm pretty glad somehow I managed to do something I love. 

Speaking of doing things I love, I'm thankful that despite all that has happened, I am still (gratefully) doing the modules I love. And the group mates I have are quite versed in environmental biology as well, huehuehue People that i went on field trip with could tell that i was really into the module so i was tagged the evb type, so it kindda feel nice, being recognized for something that you're passionate about. 

Here comes one of the most disappointing news. I will not be going for exchange. I find it such a hard and bitter pill to swallow, after all the talks about going oversea and travelling, doing the modules that look damn interesting to be really brought back down to reality. kindda suck. A lot. Seeing all your friends planning to go different universities, seeing your seniors snapchatting photo, seeing all the lovely pictures on instagram, and wondering where your life would have been if you could have just go. Despite not having a good cap, I knew i couldnt go to the university i probably wanted to go but the knowledge of knowing it's a definite no, still stings. But i guess, that's the thing about life, you dont always get what you want, and sometimes, we just need to see that little sunshine beyond the clouds. 


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