Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Little happiness

"your right hand look empty"
"really? zomg did i leave something behind"
-proceeds to grab hand-
"much better"

love isn't the grandest of gestures. It's not the moment you spend living out each perfect dates where we play dress up games. Love may not have the most romantic stories. It may just be waking up to your face every now and then, it's the joyous moment when you lay in bed together and insisted it is too early to be up when the clock has struck 12.

It's the quiet moment you spend together, each doing different thing yet their presence are just a breath away. It's the days you spent apart, snapping silly photos or doing weird stuff and proceed to share it with your significant other. It's the moment you spend studying, bemoaning about mid terms and wondering what is life spent studying till 5am rushing through lectures and quizzes. It's the snuggle after and a peck on the cheek saying good job, we survive an all nighter.

It's probably this and more, but when I think of love, I don't see a definition, I don't see a specific memory, I don't see soulmate, I don't see the one.

when I see love,
I see you.


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