Sunday, July 18, 2010

so friday.let's see...
well.. it seemed like we have like quite a few free periods to ourselves as the teachers didn't come. heh heh, got russia addicted to fb games. chem.. play with chemicals... didn't get scolding.. maybe i'm not that bad as i thought i would be.. chinese teacher gave us a scare when she said she's not teaching us anymore. love her a lot
don't gooooo..!!! a math... was hilarious. the teacher was like saying that glow sticks is so common. we, (insert class) should be different! we need to be innovative! it's like something we need to identify with ourselves. we should use the a math textbook and wave it around! the whole class burst out laughing. then mei came over and we changed. then i went to meet brother in law... hehe, the mother was like asking me to take care of her.. and we were like Lol. I can't even take care of myself. got lost trying to go to her house and in the end, turns out i went one round of the bus journey without realising. Haha, she looks like she's going for some business interview, tsk, brother in law, looks so much girly than me, the sister in law. hehe. Anyway, then met v, who just claimed me as her date o.o haha, though it was so funny, cause they were like saying my face is too girly and i'm wearing guyish clothes, smoking a cigarette which is actually a lollipop ^^ anyway, then concert, met people, take pictures, high high. Screaming around. Dada was -.- me cause i look too guy. fine. next time, concert, i wear dress. tsk. which won't be too soon either~~Results were unexpected though.... Still, congrats to grace~ grace ftw~~~ 1,2,3 go grace! though we booed for the dance category. wanted joker to win.. ):
saturday- v came over. was like talking a lot... as usual. Then we started recording? unfaithful, the first song we both know together. Though i think the voice wasn't as nice.. haha. maybe it's the recording..
events coming up! : shopping with jojo, with pril, k session with lp!, altos!, v!, going out with brother in law ♥ party party till we drop dead

i don't want to do this anymore, i don't want to be the reason why, every
time i walked out that door, i seemed to die a little more inside,
i don't wanna hurt him anymore,
i don't wamna be
a murderer.


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