Saturday, November 6, 2010

I just realise this blog has been one year old.
Congrats me. I have a blog that long which
i haven't delete.
HAH to the stalkers
( if there is still any left.. but the usage
of stalker has been exploited and used usually by people
who think too highly on themselves shown on urban
dictionary. check it up)

Been having many powerful encounter with God.
Ohh... and been trying to follow HBHM. which hasn't been working at all.
Sorry rach and mel.
But seriously, it's freaking me out till it even came in my dream..
eating maple syrup with berries... which is probably
caused by mel making me eat cereal. I'm serious.
Though i think my dreams are always weird
and usually there are always links,
if i was thinking of someone, or have a fight,
you usually have a higher chance in my dreams..
and i was complaining about sleeping earlier yesterday
but no choice, a promise is a promise.
Plus i would get killed by pril.

Then there is wearing wigs.
I think i cannot and will not look nice in those.
I tried like that time, one day stand with italy
which is horrible. we just end up laughing at
the epic fail of me wearing it, and
jojo freaking out.. thinking we fainted in the toilet.
Decided to keep it long~~ A promise between
brother in law and me.

Seriously we should be twins instead.
We share the same taste for so much stuff.
Music. Clothes. Accessories.
Best of all, she became like my daily update feeder.
Like a manual twitter.. then again,
i don't tweet so much.. and the only reason
i actually use twitter now is well.. lifegroup.
other than that, i prefer sms and msn.
Which suit me just fine, since there is no word limit and all.

Count down with pril, charlene... and all the others.
Thanks guys for being so sweet these few days when i'm sick.
Been horribly sick these few days.
Lost of voice. Sore throat . Cough. Chill. Rejection of food.
Runny nose.
But i guess the prayers work. Been feeling much better.
And charlene been complaining she would come over
and make sure i ate her porridge if i don't get some food and rest into me.
And mel for her sweet sms.
And pril for her consistent nagging.. then again, she's the mum.
and mel being the grandma would be the one giving me food
every time i pop by.
Which is seriously why i love you all.

Which reminds me i finished reading the two books that i borrowed.
Nooooooooooooo. Now i need to find more.. D:
in exactly 2 weeks, it's concert.


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