Sunday, December 5, 2010

Had been a long time since i seen them,
i just felt so happy and blessed to be there.
It's like I really felt like i came home somehow.
Sounds wrong, but that' what pril had asked,
or so i mistook her question..
It seems like we're going to split,
feel rather sad though..
But happy that 10 more are joining us.. HEE.
Embrace the change, i mean it's not as though
when i first stepped into lifegroup they were strangers too.
HAHAA but i remembered i was really touched,
and i had grown attached to them...

We have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun.
We had build great sandcastles in the sky so high.

Ohhhhh so what i learned when i went church,
3 signs that you are not going anywhere in life or not the right path

1. A good person waiting for enthusiasm to strike
It was really applicable, especially in the current situation right now
where people just seemed to not be enthu and not care at all,
it was really depressing.. how they dreaded it,
i had fallen into it many times.
But yep, enthusiasm means action, and you can't just
wait for action to strike, and most often it's through
our influence that people get excited and want to do things.
Thus, everything all begin with us opening our mouth to
include, involve and create the mood.

2. A good person waiting for the "right time"
There isn't really a "right time", the issue that you're dealing
either end up being forgotten or one just doesn't have the courage
to go about doing it because it just "wasn't the right time".
People yearn for perfection, and often so, the fear of rejections
itself is imminent, which often lead to things being not done.

3. A person with best intentions but no strategies to get there.
This i had agreed the most, it's like with all the things now,
what often seems like the best intention always get mistaken
for something more sinister. It's like a present, wrapped beautifully
unless we go about opening it, there is no way of knowing what is inside.
But we are afraid of what is inside it.. kindda idea.
Doesn't really fit anyway, hahha.

Beside, yearning for perfection in the world's eyes is just an endless
journey, we're already made perfect in the Lord's eyes. We just have
to put our goals in front like a car, and our emotions, whatever issues
behind, and let them drive us there, instead of being tied down to
all the what if's and maybe's. Haha, and also like a car,
taking dubious shortcuts, I admitted that I do that sometimes too,
and that always caused me to do things more slowly and things just
get messy.
So i will live it all up to You,
Who's dancing, who's singing?
who's living a life worth living?
we are, we are, we are, we are shining light of salvation.

God has stooped down to make you great (:
- Mel wrote it for me, something that got me by


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