Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yesterday was a long day for me.
Didn't expect myself to wake up that early.. i think it's still due to being in malaysia, one always have to wake up early, otherwise either you end up being left behind, or there will be not much food left for breakfast. Hence, I always managed to get a good rest of 12 hours. Hee feel like a pig. Malaysia trip back home was nostalgic, maybe cause it just brought back that 9 months before, I had went back too, only the feeling of dread and this time, it was more of peace.

I'm going like off topic here.. anyway, so went to eat dim sum. Yum yum. :D Hk cafe there. Super nice, but milk tea a bit too sweet, then of course, being an idiot to have drank milk tea even knowing she was lactose intolerant, kana stomachache. Brothers were well.. the usual.. Annoying me to bits. I thought i would be late meeting them lor, cause i went shopping and visiting... and i had forgotten how to get there.
Thank God I managed to get there..and rather early too.

HAHAHAHHA Gabriel and Yi ting didn't recognise me lor. Feel so sad. Anyway, it's been so long since I've seen them, really miss them a lot. HEHEHEHE. Especially mel and april. Though april was like 1 week.. but it felt forever!!! Maybe the late night chats.. Thank you, for the prayers.. It really help a lot. (:

" Courage is not to do without fear but to continue despite of that fear"

April's two friends came too! Hope they accept Christ. Our God is awesome. :D Will pray for them too. Feel really excited, there was so many people in service. It seems like filled to the brim, and the atmosphere felt rather different like everyone is much more enthu somehow. April agreed with me!

Anyway, service was awesome. Praise report was so real and touching, really feel inspired by the lives of people who have changed because they have seek help from God and had work together, making such a big impact in their lives!!

Always wondering why we always say we could have do this and this and this.. or should have done this and that, and if time turn back, would have do this this this. Because we always end up regretting not taking enough actions to have fulfill all these wishes. And a new year definitely won't change all that, because we are still bring that same old self into that year, so basically we are just wasting another year then. Because the only thing that can really make a different is commitment towards things.

Our lives were not meant to be wasted away because when we had accepted Christ, we were not only given a place in Heaven, but we were also given a Heaven on Earth.. sounds rather abstract but it just means that we were already promised an abundant life ahead, but many of us can't see these because of the failures and setbacks and chain us, enslave us from enjoying all these wealth.

So to really have a new year and not make empty resolutions, we have to START. Sorry it's really going to be a long, long rant.

S- Stop making excuses

I always find myself complaining too much.. I guess we keep giving excuses or "the reasons" behind why things doesn't work and not really do anything about it all. Often, we blame it on others for the fault, but really it takes two hands to clap. One is just as much as fault as the other. But we are not victims of circumstances, we CHOOSE to make ourselves that way.
Yes, other people will hurt us in lives, we can never prevent that from happening. Close people hurt even more. But the only one that can really screw you over is basically, yourself. Because we are responsible for our own thoughts, if we choose not to be affected by it, who can say that we have to?
Also, by making excuses itself, we are not planning ahead for what lies ahead.
In Proverbs, A sensible man watches for problems and plans to meet them but the fool never looks ahead and suffer the consequences.
We tend to not think ahead, it's like charging into a battlefield with no equipments, going to winter without wearing warm clothings.. And suffering the dire consequences. Often too, people always try to tell us what was wrong and advice us, but we give not a single care to their words, thinking that it would be alright going by it our ways. But it's as good as hitting with closed eyes, going in a path blindly, we might just hit air or drop into our head. All because we have big ego or pride and refuse to listen to others.
Pride always leads to destruction.

Also, by making excuses we fail to see what was the purpose of doing things, and we always end up giving up. We give up too soon and that becomes our failure. Thomas Addison didn't succeed in the first try itself either, and i can't imagine if he had given up, we probably be holding candles for church service, but it seems really cool, though i'm more worried that the place might catch fire...
Giving up itself it by announcing that we ourselves could not do anything about it, we ourselves are circumstancing ourself into thinking that we can't do anything anymore, and hence, we give up, which is as good as equal to us failing.
In Proverbs: If you give up when trouble comes, it just shows that you are weak"

We only truly fail when we give up because every single try or attempt no matter how weak is still better than nothing. It make seem frail but it's like a candle, no matter how frail that light is, there is still light. If we choose to have ignore it, then it's basically results in darkness. Gosh, i'm giving way too many examples.
Our greatest glory is never about falling but for standing up every single time we fall.

T- Take an inventory of my life

Maybe it seems small but we have to evaluate our lives sooner or later. Or we might just end up 20 years down the road, thinking what have we exactly done in our lives. The saddest case is to not have done anything or have learn anything at all. Because it seems every time we fall, we forget the very reason why we fall. Like we are walking straight into a wall, we bump into it once, yet we forget how or why we bump it, and we continue bumping into that wall. Doing the same thing and expecting a different results. I doubt the wall would actually crumble if we hit it like 1000 times, and we might just end up with a bleeding forehead as a reminder.

Will failure be a friend or a foe? A friend to help us and push us forward in life, or will it cripple us?

4 kinds of things that really shape our lives.

1. Personal experiences
The people in our lives, they did not come by chance, but they were put into our lives. Our family, our friends, this are all not coincidence. They very well mold us into the person we are.

2. Education/workplace
Your school life, cca , your job, this too determine your very character, how you deal with stress, handle the great responsibilities. Basically they teach us life skills and lessons, and if we don't learn them, even if we changed into another different circumstances, it will still be the same. It's like changing the wall that you are going to bump into, you will still well, end up with a bloody forehead.

3.Spiritual experiences.
The Lord speaking to us can help us in our lives too, because we need Him, to help us, to go through our lives with Him. The Lord always mentor us too, helping us to get through each difficulties, even making us do things we would never do it on our own. Like accepting and forgiving people that has hurt us in the past, healing broken relationships. But whatever the case is, the Lord will always provide and we as His children, will always serve His words. (:

lastly 4. Painful experiences
This shape us too, yes it stings to the core. But it helps to tell us what is wrong in our lives, how we can go about solving it. Painful experiences teaches us things we might never want to learn, yet it mature our thinking, and it also help us in identifying that Lord would always work through these experiences and show His might.
At our weakest, Your might shone even greater through us. We feel Your presence ever so much more.

A- Act with God, in Faith.

Getting a fresh start also means stepping out of our comfort zones and into unknown territories. Because we can continue wishing and praying that things might change, ( I'm not saying we shouldn't) But things will never change if we don't act on it. Act on all the things we want to do. If we wish to be less short temper, curb our temper!! If we want to make new friends, approach them!!
Always have faith that things would turn out well, it's not a false hope at all. Because when we entrust it to our Lord, we are definitely given some sort of an answer. And we have to be persistent with our prayers too because the Lord will never be annoyed by them, but He is honored. It's better than the sacrifices that we are giving Him, we are entrusting Him with our whole entire soul and lives. Sounds kindda scary but it's not. It's actually a blessing to be able to give our Lord that we trust in Him and have faith that everything would go on well.

Also, once we started focusing and praying more persistently, things start to be brought to our attention. We begin to see changes, and according to scientists, we are already prepared for these changes. Because it's a faith coupled with action, where our Lord could work through us, and we can do unto others. Ask and seek with persistence, and you will receive.

Because even if we fail, it's a lesson taught to us. Faith is not hoping it will happen, it is knowing it will happen. And the things might not happen overnight, nor in a few weeks' or months, but as long as we have faith, we will succeed.
Faith is not the absence of fear but rather to continue on even with fear.

R- Refocus

In Proverbs : Be careful how you think. Your life is shaped by your thoughts.

It's sounds rather abstract but to break it down.
Our thoughts will affect our emotions. Our emotions will affect our actions. And our actions will determine our life.
So to indirectly our thoughts affect our lives.
It's like if you keep thinking depressing things, you will definitely be a depressed person.
If you keep thinking you will fail, it's a more or less guaranteed you won't succeed.

This is our choice, whether we are going to allow whatever thoughts determine our lives. Because no one can force us to think depressed things, no one can force us to be happy either. It's all in our hands, whether we choose to be what will be.
In Romans, Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

If we keep being stuck to the same mentality, when would we ever get something more? When would we ever start new? Though we always say we cannot forget, we cannot let go, we can't this we can't that. We are already limiting ourselves to think that we cannot. We allow negative thoughts, and allow things to chain us down when we could seek God amidst all these.
Sum 4. 21 Success are happiness when one meditate on God's words
Focus on the word of God

It's not about memorizing them, it's more of applying it to our lives....


We got to trust God, as we often fail when we depend on ourselves. Our foundation cannot be build on what others' think of us, because that doesn't matter. When we depend on others, because they have given us unconditional love, or had give us that mentality , we are letting their opinions matter more. ( I'm not saying we cannot have friends) I'm saying that whatever it is, God should always and will be the center of your life. Your life should revolve around the Lord and not what others think of you...

It's really a lot to take but i guess I really felt like it spoke a lot to me.

Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver then you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think


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