Sunday, July 31, 2011

Plastered smiles

It's those wait that make you wonder, those that you can't change its fate.
All you could do is not let those fluttering wings settle inside.
Courage could lift you for awhile, before you let those worries
dragged you back down to the pits of despair.
How long I yearn, to know, yet how much i fear to know.
It's those feelings that kept this loner awake.
Waiting, waiting.
For sleep to catch onto her,
so that she no longer is trapped.
By her very own thoughts.

Haven't written for a long while.
I am still searching for an answer. To explain the cause.
Yet i hate to be judged. The whole week has just been
toss and turns of heartaches. Tears that slipped past.
The aching need to feel wanted come rushing back again.

Yesterday, that desire stirred in me again.
So i went back, hoping somehow things will be different.
Hoping somehow someone would ask me what's wrong.
That they could see that i'm different.
That i'm hurting inside.
But plastered smile i kept on my face,
while dying inside, i could no longer hold on.
Words drifted past me, hellos and goodbyes were
not meant to me.
I was just a wanderer, wind that come and past.
A phase, but never a permanent residence.
that's what i will be.

So doubts would swirl with me today.
I can't put words in my lips again.
As i lie, waiting for someone to rescue me.
I have no strength to go on,
No more strength to keep a plastered smile.

Cause i can't keep hiding and lying.
Not to myself.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Possible ever after

Things had been a mad rush; I’m allowing myself to post for this special day.
Still been having attacks but so far, since the last one last Friday, I haven't had another. *Cheer*
Though my legs are still wobbly and I’m still suffering from gastric here and there but oh well,
I do have the tendency to be rather reckless with my body.

Well on to today, which was totally way amusing?
I work up early for some goodness reason and sat down to study. Yes, I meant it.
the whole exams coming thing is forcing me to actually be a nerd and wake up early to do homework, where I should be waking up three hours later. Though I didn't exactly finish it since we went out to eat dim sum, which was awesome, because I realize that He has provided me with a lot of blessings recently. Richer in a sense.

Yeps, and I reached tuition 20mins early... which gave me sufficient time to read a book. I quite like this book, it’s about this girl who kept having people telling her their life stories to them, even complete strangers. Of how she always blurted out things without really processing it and it kind of remind me of well, me. I get people telling me about their stuffs, and sometimes it gets me down a little for not being able to work things out. It's like I entrenched myself in other's life, I lost the sense of my own identity.
Oh well, so I went for tuition. Got back my test, scored pretty well (: At least, there were plenty of careless mistakes. But I shall just dwell on the fact I've gotten 45/50.
It was rather funny, tuition. I was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and a pair of trousers. And apparently I look like I was going to perform or go somewhere formal. But no, I was just going to library to study. Pardon me, I couldn't think straight of what to wear and I was feeling cold these days, hence I just grabbed any long sleeved article which caught my eye, apparently which was this white top.

Then, of course I went along with plan and studied with Joey (: love studying with her, it's always mad hilarious. Somehow it always makes me more eager somehow to do even better, and beside Joey is the closest, closest friend I have. So anyway, she left early so I was stuck doing my work and I was really thinking how horrible revision is. But I was happy with what I had accomplished (even if it's seems rather insignificant to those mugger out there) I was planning on leaving late but in the end, mum called so we went to eat dinner.

The shocking thing was we went to fly kite. Yes, I went to fly kite. I'm rather amused at the fact I went for the idea as well. Was busy flaunting my photographic skills and just well, reflecting on kite and life. HAHHAHA. I flew a kite for the second time though it was rather fail because I kept letting it drop lower and lower...

Went to Jp after that. Was rather upset at first. I finally remember why I closed up; there were a few times some people ask me when was the first or the reason I did. To be honest, I’m not sure what truly triggered it but I guess it builds up. The countless times of being disappointed, no matter what happened. The mixed feelings of jealousy and yearning must have ate me a little and a little till that ice exterior found within me. Cold would be my comfort. Crystals will be my tears. Heart made of shards. I don't expect things to go my way, expectations spoil everything. Don't ruin my nightmare I’m dreaming.

( hahaha, i thought of this when i was at the ice shop, a bit down and all. So yeps)

For some reason, i was hoping i would not see you all. At the same time i was hoping i would. But like i told joey, it was rather conflicting even for me to figure it out. But the amazing thing was, I had no idea whether you would be. There was tugging feeling as i looked down at that restaurant. You weren't there yet, and i just dismissed that thought. Later that day, i was feeling down and wanted to shop around to cheer myself up ( pathetic i know, but since cheery sms-es doesn't work it was the only thing i thought of) when i felt that familiar tug again. I looked down and i see you all there. I was pretty shocked.

I called pril, but she didn't pick up and i didn't exactly want to shout, plus sound travel up not down. As i stood there waving at you all, the faces so familiar look back at me, that shocked expression i could not forget. That nostalgic feeling hit me again, i really miss lifegroup a lot. ):
I came down to see you all, smiles and grin. It felt weird, as though the upset feelings just disappeared. I felt strangely fitting in. Ironic as it has been, it was only sj i talked to.. and itself was surprising.

and came home and shared Christ with a guy. How cool.

Oh well. I love today

Saturday, July 16, 2011

To you

Thank you for walking this long path with me.
You never fail to make me smile,
and every concern you had for me will always welled the tears inside.
I hadn't realize time past so fast, and before long,
we had to say goodbye.

But had I really been grateful?
Stubborn nature and willful spirit
always lead me to do things according to my own ways.
had it been so long?
When was the last thank you i had said to you for
all that you did?

Time erodes away memories, names, faces.
I hope the cruelty of it won't wash away the
words you had spoken to me.
You had left an impact in my life,
something i might one day forget,
but not right now.

You and I both love watching clouds.
I had never told you.
But clouds reminded me of what lies ahead.
Each cloud is different and unique in its own way.
You can never catch a cloud, for it flee too soon.
It signify something more, not of the imminent rain.
even if it block the sunshine,
it held endless of possibilities.

And that even if it was to rain,
clouds tell me that so long as i change my view.
There will always be a rainbow waiting for me.

you had showed me the ray of sunshine
in those rainy days.
breathe and breathe even more.
thank you.

To you,
it will always be an endless
stream of gratitude.

I'll miss the times.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Je t'aime Jesus

Sometimes I wonder how things are made,
the beauty of nature, the rising skyscrapers.
down to the very detail, You make everything possible.

so when i look at the sky today,
will i see my blessed Creator?
the one who created the clouds, the one who created miracles
and gave me hope.

As i walked down this path,
the sun is setting, my footsteps felt heavy.
When i lost my way, i'm crying out.
Oh would You please guide me home,
get me back to where the heart resides.

My heart is torn apart,
wrenched by the heaviness of this world.
Shine Your light to those stormy days,
You are the rays of Hope on those weary souls.

Holding me by Your hand,
I'm walking home with
You, side by side.

Je t'aime Jesus