Thursday, September 15, 2011

Life, God's precious gift

I just wanted to post cause well, someone close to me passed away. I didn't know about it till today and till now it was quite a shock to me. I mean she's still so young, and to know that she passed away, was something that took a long time to accept. Especially since I lost contact with her and all. I heard from M that she died this Hari Raya Puasa and that she was 7 months pregnant when she died. 

That really. sting. 

It really struck me a lot about life. How precious life is, to quote from Crucible (It's a literature text that i'm doing now) "Life, Woman, life is God's precious gift to us" and to add on from Chrysalids ( another text i'm doing) "Life is change." Saying that, arn't we these days belittling it just a lil? With our complaining, whining, moaning, groaning of how much life sucks. In what way are we to suggest such when life has graced us its presence? I do admit I was not naive, I have been to funeral, i had brushed with death many times. Still, it make me sad and burdened to know how life can just be robbed so easily. Guilty i am with not treasuring life to the fullest, i do stupid things, i say stuffs which i never mean to hurt and probably hid too much stuff that should have been brought light.

We always thought there was time
to say hellos, to say goodbyes.
To say all the things that is to say.
Tomorrow will come, we would say.

Yet we always forget time is slowly slipping past.
and it is a one way ticket ride.
We allow lies to slowly slip past us
taking things for granted.

Some people, that once we said goodbye.
Their backs will always be turned.
Never looking behind.
Some leave footprints or shadows of them.

Their memories you can keep.
But you have to remember.
Nothing last forever.
A chilling yet down to earth truth.

Treasure what you can
while you have it
And give meaning to each and every life.

Rest in peace. 



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