Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Peek a boo at my world

So here goes my long awaited post.

Results for common test 2 has been back quite awhile ago, can't say I'm not disappointed at chem, but at the very least i improved for all my subjects~~ except for physics and general paper ): There's a lot more work to be done... and i still think i'm weak at chem, math (statistic), physics (definition, waves,superposition and all), econs (macro-globalization) Yup, got a lot work to be done. But at the very least, I'm proud to say that I really did better, perhaps.. it was just all the studying waiting for baby bah~
I realize i've been really depressed/down lately. Can't help it uh.. I just keep running into emotional stuff and I guess i just keep breaking down, crying myself to sleep. Hopefully.. *cross fingers* it will end today. Don't wanna go to sleep crying le D: Damn tiring and all... 2 hours of sleep can kill. But i guess i work out everything and i'm gonna go full steam ahead. I just cleared binomial just now. Gonna clear measurement and kinematic tomorrow and hopefully chem bonding? My progress is damn slow D: But at least I know that it is still progressive. And that is something i should work towards.. instead of procrastinating.. *twirl finger.. guilty~~*
I just read finish along for the ride - sarah dessan, walking disaster - jamie mcguire. Heheheh, i got the two books too, beautiful disaster and walking disaster. Damn damn happy. Andddd i found out a recipe that requires no oven~~~ mug cake!! heehehe, shall bake one for baby one of these days *smiles* Oh oh oh, and i learn how to stitch!!! And literally stitch a stitch, and baked chocolate stitch. I swear the amount of stitch is just crazayyyyyy~~ Neh mind, i dont mind doing it.. hehehe xD I really need to read more books, falling back in love with reading books again, and i need more colour pens. I swear the number of colour pens i have.. are just too little...


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