Saturday, September 27, 2014


1) 130 questions, promise you won’t lie?
I try my best to. 

2) Is the last person you texted single?
Xinqian, Hahaha very much so. But she's somewhat attached to me Xd

3) Do you get jealous easily?
Yep. I dont show it though.
4) Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
No? he's worth it. 

5) What are you currently waiting for?
For assignments to stop piling up on me >< 

6) Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
To be honest, i rotate from the past to the future a lot but I have a bad habit of not thinking of the present. 

7) Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
Hahaha, friends there are plenty. But i guess i would want to spend time with my boyfriend too. 

8) Honestly, do you really love the last person you said I love you to?
i think the last person i said I love you to was jingying, hahaha but we're not really close. I care for her? 

9) Is anything wrong with your eyes?
A bit of infection that isnt going away >(

10) Who were the last people you saw besides your family?
Hmmm my boyfriend! And his classmates, daphne and jinhui

11) Do you have nice eyes?
uh people tell me so, so i guess so! 

12) Have you ever received a love letter more than a page long?
Hahaha Yep I did. 

13) If something was wrong who would be the first girl you’d go to?
Joey I guess, but that will only be when she probe me. I tend to shy away from telling people about my problem. 
14) Who’s thinking about you right now?
well my boyfriend better be thinking about me. ahahaha i will whack him if he isnt.
just kidding. i dont think anyone will be thinking about me? 

15) Is this year the best year of your life?
Hmm... I wont say the best, but one of the most eventful and craziest.

16) Which of your friends lives closest to you?
17) How do you feel about Dr Pepper?
IM SORRY but it sounds really funny, like a doctor specialized in pepper HEHEHE

18) Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn’t?
Yeah.. thought some of them committed suicide and kept calling them to check that they're okay. 

19) Does your bedroom need cleaning?
Yep, a pile of papers all over the place
20) July 4th or St. Patrick’s Day?
July the 4th~ 

21) Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?
Slow, but all of my relationships have been rather fast. 

22) Are you comfortable with your height?
I GREW TALLER. (muahaha) But i wish i can be a little bit taller, maybe 3 more cm please? 

23) Do you act differently around the person you like?
Definitely, I'm more me than i am with anyone else. 

24) Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I believe in the saying, unless they say something, im just gonna assume we are friends and nothing more :) 

25) Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Yes. Nanda, she refuse to see me frowning when she sees me. A source of happiness. Thanks for being with me for 10 years and counting x)

26) Do you like thunderstorms?
No. Im terrified of them.

27) How fast does your mood change?
Very badly. I can be go from crying to laughing.. sigh. I question my sanity. 

28) Are there things that can’t be joked about with you?
Yes. I will get rather upset over it. 

29) What do you always take with you?
I think my phone and wallet?

30) When is your birthday?
January 7th! 

31) Anything on your walls?
I dont have anythingggg

32) Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
Yep I have been in one. But it went on longer than it should have, regretted hurting the other party. 

33) Do you crack your knuckles?
Yep. I used to cry cause i thought i broke my finger ._. shh dont judge

34) Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches?
No. I really get utterly nervous and probably start stammering. 

35) Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
Yep!! Wanna learn how to dive!

36) What are you listening to?
她说 jj lin

37) Does anyone know your password besides you?

38) Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks?
In my foggy memory, I do not think so... 

39) I bet you miss somebody right now?
Yep. I miss my friends :(

40) Do you have a box where you keep all your important things?
Yep. Lots of them collecting dust

41) How many times have you dyed your hair?
Once! Planning to dye again at the end of the year

42) Can you count past 100?
Yep. I think i did that for some psychological treatment

43) If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Mm.. Hard to say. I might? 

44) Are you afraid of shots?
You mean injection or drinking shots? Im not afraid of either. Been given injection since young, and i can hold liquor well. 

45) Is there someone you can tell anything to?
Joey I guess

46) At this moment in time if you HAD to have someone’s name tattooed on you besides family who’s would it be?
i guess I would tattoo the name sky? Because I like the idea of being free? 

47) Has anyone called you perfect before?
yep, my boyfriend is rather insistent on the idea that Im the perfect one for him. 

48) Does your best friend’s parents like you?

49) Are any of your friends taller than you?
yeah, the tallest is like 1.9. Can i just cry. 

50) Would you cry if your most recent ex died?
Probably. He is a close friend afterall. 

51) Name the bands you have band tees for?
None boohoo.
52) Do you prefer the ocean or pool?
Ocean. There's wildlife in it!

53) Ever liked someone whose name started with a B?
I went to search names that start with B, aha. Nope

54) Ever really cried your heart out?
I dont think I ever cried non stop, cause I always find it embarrassing to cry, so even if i do cry, i will stop crying after awhile. 

55) Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2009?
Wow that was like what... 5 years ago..? Definitely not. 

56) Is there a difference between love and IN love?
Yes. I can love someone but it doesn't mean i'm in love with him/her. 
57) Have you ever been on a motorcycle?
Yes! damn shiok!

59) Do you speak any other language other than English?

60) What is the date of you and you’re first loves anniversary?
My first love? 0604. 

61) Are you someone’s best friend?
Yep! Joey and Farihah 
62) Where was the last place you were when you puked?
My friend's friend house. I drank too much..

63) Have you ever smuggled something into America?
I have not even been to america before *cries*

64) Who is your favorite super-hero?
Loki, even though he aint a super hero

65) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I will stumble too much.. 

66) Pen or pencil?

67) Do you get bad headaches?
nope. Dizzy spells though

68) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes or not?
Yep. I can't stand smoking. 

69) What’s usually colder, your hands or your feet?

70) Do you think two people can last forever?
Well, Im under the impression that forever doesnt exist, but i guess if two people love each other, why not? 

71) Do you consider yourself trustworthy?
not really.. 

72) Is there someone that cares about you more than themselves?
My boyfriend

73) Do you live in a ghetto neighborhood?
I don't think so. 

74) Has a song ever made you cry?

75) Has a book ever made you cry?

76) Is your handwriting large, tiny, or pretty normal?
Tiny. some even went on to say it's microscopic. 

77) Will you be dating someone in a month?
No? Lol im attached

78) Your phone rings, what do you say?
uh.. hello?

79) Has anyone ever said they wanted to marry you?
yes but i didn't treat him seriously

80) Have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader?

81) Is your birthday on a holiday?
Sometimes it falls on a school holiday

82) Do you ever cry during romantic movies?
yep. But i hardly tear over those cliche movie anymore

83) Do you always answer your phone?

84) Are you ticklish?
Yeah. so annoying.. 

85) Is there someone you wish you were still close with?

wasn't even 130 questions man. 


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