Friday, October 23, 2015

this morning a kind soul told me this
"I don't think I ever thank you enough for all that you have done for me, thank you"
and it really made my day today.

I don't think I have ever said enough thank you or sorry
to the people in my life.

Thank you guys and I know I don't say this enough or sometimes
react in ways that are thrown at you guy and I'm sorry for that, darlings.
I'm thankful for tolerating my meltdowns, my nonsensical prattles at
wee hours of the night. I'm sorry for sometimes not being the best friend/
girlfriend/daughter out there and that was me sometimes, throwing my
tantrums or my insecurities because logic start to not make sense to me.
I'm thankful for the times you guys stood by me, asking me what was wrong, or insisting
I take my meals/rest early/ask me to take care cause of the haze. I don't know what I did
to deserve such fluffeh people in this world, but I couldn't be less grateful.

I'm thankful to the people that has came into my life and shaped my perceptions
of people, of life, of my future, my hopes and dreams. I'm not me if it wasn't for
those moments in my life. I'm sorry for the times I ever hurt anyone, with my words or my
behaviours. Sometimes I get so upset, I end up shutting myself away and just wanna curl
away to let the pain disappear. I'm sorry if that means I end up pushing you all away.
I'm thankful for those understanding days where I spent quiet, even though inside me,
it's like a funfair of emotions. I'm sorry if I don't personally go up to you to talk to you or text
because sometimes I really don't know what to say or to make the awkward moments go away.
But trust me, I love to hear from people, to hear about their days and feel their emotions rush through.

I'm sorry and I thank you for making me, me.


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