Wednesday, December 23, 2015

hey 2015 me

looking back at the resolution i had made or did not make because i ended up writing about 2014 me.. well it happens, I do go off track.

2015 me was given the task to not be impulsive and not shirk back on responsibilities. That, i feel have been a yes and a no. I held on to more responsibilities this academic year but half of it was because I was impulsive enough to sign up for it. And if not for that leap of faith, I probably would not be in a relationship either.

Also, to trust myself more and not make excuses for not doing well. Considering today is results day, I must say I have went through a uphill battle to pull my damn cap up and well it still suck but I'm pretty glad that I'm more on par with my peers now even though I still break down and blame myself endlessly for not doing better. And that my dear readers, is me still giving my dream a fighting chance and I have still not toss in the towel.

2015 has seen me involved in six bloody camps, doing four core modules and pulling through them even though my cap drop like crazy, for doing 15km run (like 5km was nor enough to kill me), for signing up to be camp director, for having found friends in life science as well as having my own clique, for doing weird random birthday celebration to dressing up for halloween, for going back to dance, for actually trying out smoking, and a lot more improvements in relationship, trying out weird different things HAHA. But yes thanks 2015 daphne, cause I really felt that I grew a lot emotionally and mentally this year in a lot of aspects.
anyway dear 2016 daphne, I hope you are still together with your boyfriend. 2015 has seen so much rollercoaster emotions and some of which I really did regret partaking in some actions or events that led up to hurt and pain to others and myself. So i hope for next year sake or in general, that I would stop running away/disappearing on people and making them worry, to actually sit down and talk it out.

Not just that, learn to take stress as it comes. Do let people handle the platter and don't micromanage everything. And learn that no matter how much planning goes, there will still be screw up and not take it to hard on myself.

I need more time to myself ohmygoodness, i am so burnt out from meeting people.


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