Saturday, May 16, 2020

merging stillness

the dull pulses, the lazy yawn through the sweltering hot air
sweat crisp, dripping over, days stretched on my planner, reminding me we reached summer.
the semblance of normalcy, or our little irregularities during this strange stillness
we paused everything, yet the urge, the rush, the push just doesn't seem to be slowing
if ever, the need for clarity, for some form of semblance become even more urgent, tugging at the sleeves.

breakfast merged to lunch to dinner, naps merged to sleep, morning to dusk, twilight to dawn
pitter patter goes the keys, clittery clack goes my cells, the throb, the need to push past this quicksand that we are all sinking comfortably to. Media consumed, connections are just a few touch away, yet intimacy could not be anymore foreign.

and there you have it, my little ramblings during this whole entire lockdown. slowly crawling forward to the end of it, there is a sense of anticipation, but as always, my mind start to run, of all the things that may come next. I was supposed to kick ass this year, but somehow it feels like this year is striving to bring down that resolution. HAHAHA 


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