Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fruit club~
kiwi.. i hate you a lot..
why can't starfruit or pear see?? are they frigging blind??
peach is insane. really.
aahh..i'm gonna miss genius a lot.
aahh.. jellybeans..jellybeans.. what are we gonna about you?
crap... i do not wish to go.. at all..
will miss FBM a lot.. haha
don't worry FBM, we will still hang out
promise. even if i manage to somehow get closer to someone
you know i will still love you a lot.. in a friend-i-hate-you kindda way?
ahh.. i will remain cheer up and inspired for awhile..
spent 4hrs in the bookshop.. listening to nice music
and reading motivational books.
oh well...

thinking of you.. after looking through those
photos. you still look so young
why did you have to go?
i miss you. a lot.
yet i was young back then
i didn't get to say goodbye
nor tell you i'm sorry

aahh.. crap. must stay motivated.
furuba ftw~

Friday, January 29, 2010

50th post.
I think we are just gonna sit there and do nothing lor
pe.. not much.. just that we all love our teacher a lot
recess.. get that feeling even though you're with so many people
you still get that feeling? oh well, we had a fake cheer
a math, a girl fell down. ouch.
did presentation. scared he started scolding me or something
cause my previous exercises were not that nicely done.
luckily he didn't.
physics.. that feeling of uselessness linger.
lit. ok. nothing much. went to the toilet a lot.
and i saw her so yeah.
had chem. make crystals.. though
my blur partner is worrying me a lot
but i guess still ok
waited for tata.. very long..
count: 5
dead = daphne emo a day
die = daphne is emoing

well.. so far.. hasn't emo much..
only on thurs bah.
when i don't talk, it does not mean i'm emoing.
expression is well dead.
count: 25 of which we only train 16. wow
i shall find some things to cheer me up.
okay.. then went to tiong to buy stuff for my lp..
saw some soft toys ducks
then just crap... laugh a lot (at me mostly)
what were we even fighting for?
oh yeah.. i remember. big mouths
infringement of one's privacy..
got to have tuition for 5mins
congrats on your 2yrs of hard work~

(don't people usually celebrate?)
i don't know. if i can at least get to do well in piano
i would be happy. oh well.. next week will be horrible
aah.. pineapple tarts~ kueh lapis
aah.. looking forward to 9 feb
sigh.. feel like crapping.. bored
random blog hopping.
shall go play your guardian angel
can't get the song off my mind~

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

well.. today was ok.
i love my register number a lot now. thanks.
tata scares me. she's gonna hack..
well saw the jil and joe's photos
they still look adorable like always.
though they changed specs. ppl
is nerdy specs the trend...
had been having disturbing dreams lately..
hope it pass. cause i always woke up with this
question whether i'm awake cause it always
seems to be just another dream where i would freak out
yep. really freak out by the dreams i'm having

Monday, January 25, 2010

in the end, i'm still that idiot coward
that refuse to do
unless you tell me it's soooooo important
(actually it is important)

aahh.. hasee is driving me crazy
who sing titanic song in 6.40 in the morning??
haha. ans: hasee and i.
we are just so crazy.
well, i probably shouldn't tell people
i'm skipping on that day..
otherwise i will never be able to get out
on that day.
things have been going AWESOME

Sunday, January 24, 2010

just came back from ms vignes house
aah.. bring back so many memories..
surprising that she told me
that i have always been emo
since primary school
we shouldn't let things bring us down
we must stay strong.
cause by thinking about down stuffs
we are "attracting" more to ourselves
we been through a lot
we shouldn't let our fears be the reason
for stopping us.

aah... shavar jumped on me.. as usual..
boy look the same.. cool as ever..
then we talked. 2 hours?
aah.. about the guys who never grow up
of course, we talked about my sec life
but yeah.. it's kindda nice
having to talk to her
after losing contact for 1 and half year?
it's like memories from the past
keep surfacing back.
this time, i will remain strong
and not be depressed
i mean people hurting each other
it's like part and parcel of
everyday life.
so why let it be the thing that cause you to
stop trusting others?
resolution i made so far
and trying to keep:
-not to emo
-no drama please

happy birthday ash~
oh well, GPP's BACK
WOOTS. aahh.. it remind me so much
of p6. sheesh. you left and goodness me,
3 years have passed just like that. i miss you a lot
wish i can contact you somehow
or i can always run to your house
begging to be let in.
aah.. then shavar would jump on me
like a mad dog... though he is one..
a dog i mean..
i miss boy too.. that cool, i'm so cool look
(boy is a cat)
aahh.. i miss you alot.. my teacher of 6yrs

Friday, January 22, 2010

today was ok.
nothing much happen
was rushing through hw.
heard that there were "world war" going on in the house
thank god, i wasn't at home.
things to do:
-sc01 failed. should do it again. SC02~

(the above has nothing to do with anyone)

haven't been hanging out with jojo.
don't kill me. oh well.. got 2 birthday gifts today
gifts to get : 4
fruit club~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

happy thoughts:
ok, firstly i was late with a reason
i abandoned my tablet and ran off to meet them
and figure out that i left my tablet up in class
so had to rush back up. damn blur~
secondly, mangosteen juice sucks. a lot.

went out~ for what seemed to be quite awhile
saw big genius. then saw hamsters.. they are so adorable
running around. they remind me of carmen.. so much energy in them
then went over to tata's house.. haha. guzheng rocks!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

well.. recess now.. with carmey
don't cut your hair carmen!!
just show carmen about how she look
haha. she looks so cute~
ok. we are discussing about the unidentified hand...
i shall post about happy stuff to make carmen happy
spreading the ducky emoness around( according to april)
oh well.. is rushing through homework..
gotta go. leaving you a quote for the date
leave your thoughts to dreams and lead your dreams to your soul
so emo.. oh well.

Monday, January 18, 2010

the perfect excuse you can ever use:
i have choir today~
cause thurs no school so have to make up today~
seriously awesome.
i just can't stand how one can be confined to a place one would actually call home
it makes no sense, it's like being locked up in a cage
and you have to "sing" in order to get your freedom
kindda like a bird.. except birds probably have it better
they do not have to worry about so much stuff
ah well~
today was fun. went over to yb house
played piano? i didn't really play..
more like just sit there and read books.
of course, all they ever do is laugh at me
but still what are friends for without a good laugh here
and there?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

i swear i will love being a qm so much..
don't make me do anything else...
i love being a qm~
using tweeter now.. kindda weird..
are you still looking at my blog?
it's kindda dead.. won't update much already
well.. drama stick with me till the end.
i really wish i can do something
to stop those tears from falling
to stop those angry remarks from hurting
but i can't
thus the only few resolution i have:
1) score well in exams
2) don't emo at all if possible
3) even if i'm emoing, don't make it THAT obvious
4) lie better
5) stop running myself down
6) stop emoing to people. they have tons of troubles to think of
7) be a useful person in com and be a nice qm
8) plan the best outings for people
9)cheer my awesome, fantastic friends up

though i think the only few i can do is probably none of it..
sigh.. well.. number 9 need working the most

Friday, January 15, 2010

i feel dumb. real dumb.
went home with soul sister~
ahaha. soul sister, we are so smart!
well.. then the mood was totally ruined
when i get back to hh
cannot stand it there.
hw: nothing
stuff to do: lots..
there. hopefully can get it down by this week

Thursday, January 14, 2010

i'm depressed. i'm emo.
my life suck
i'm thinking of disappearing into thin air
oh wait.. must write happy stuff
happy stuff cheer me up
well.. i finish my hw..
i got my present from joey :D

a lollipop... though somehow
even after i ate like 7 yesterday..
i still feel depressed... lollipops.. do your thing...
but i guess i really feel very useless
in everywhere i am.. i guess..
though me being IT rep has been improving
but i still feel useless around my friends..
like i can't do anything to cheer them up
at all. and they always have to worry about me

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

one word. actually two.
very depressed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

today is horrible
but then like any other day,
my day is always horrible.
haha. actually it was ok la.
just that i had to be the only girl
down in tuition and that all the guys just nod the head
like they understand or something..
horrible people. i bet you just copy down the answers
don't you need to understand how you get the formulas
and blah blah stuff? you don't just copy and paste
what is in the textbook do you?
ahh~ shall emo with grace tmr..
provided she actually comes..
grace, you will come will you?
and DON'T tell anyone else...
you won't be so mean..
beside who will you tell?
ans: no one.

Friday, January 8, 2010

warning: i'm in a very bad mood and vulgarities are used. i do not mean what i say here (because i usually forgive and forget it very easily), no offense taken and that i'm very pissed off.
that's it. you just become my vulgar partner.
so don't ask me next time when i shoot off vulgarities.
cause you freakingly tio sabo me in. so freak off.

today was WONDERFUL!!!
awesome to the max.
caramel is still sick.. of course,
i'm still the heater.. again.. -.-
tata wasn't there when we need her...
sad.. tata, you missed out on a lot of
gossip/bitch talk.
We laughed at with everyone else..
i wonder how i look when i'm trying to give a weird look..
cause my friends are scared of me.. when i give them that look.o.o
i had to be pulled out of the whole sec3s..
drag on stage
and get scolded in front of everyone..
because i was too blur to notice.
gosh. and then we had spot-check
one by one.
Dammit. i had to pin up my bangs
which look retarded!!

my mood was pretty horrible and did not change even
till the afternoon... of course, i had to go along with
everyone else.. but pretty much was not in the right frame.
then tata and grace thought i was emoing.. i was.. just you know..
and no, i wasn't crying in a toilet..
but i do that.. y'know?
so usually if i'm really depressed,
you know where to find me
well but knowing me.. emoing is just another daily routine.
but i wasn't pissed off with you two y'know?
then it got better when we had dinner..
of course i felt stupid...
but yeah.. it improved. then met joey~
i just realise that it sounded like i'm scolding
someone from choir but i'm not~
i'm pissed off with ATXN
basically two words to describe today: it sucks.
the end.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

WOOTS~ will be going out later with jojo
yay~ of course we say we are doing hw..
but hopefully we are.. the last time.. we ended up laughing so much
we only completed 2 pages of science..
will be going anchorpoint to go shopping... i seriously still need to buy gift...
today was ok.. i guess... i guess the only thing i know best is still running away..
but i told tata ardy~ i dunno.. things seemed so awkward now...
and we used to talk hours on phone...
now it looks... so erm... i don't know..
but well if virtual hug is real just like how virtual slap is real..
to the darling V
i'm so so SO sorry... oh gosh.. i will spend tmr morning with you..
in fact, you better get that apology...
i already beg for forgivness.. so you have to forgive me..
see... ain't you lucky that i'm spending time with you~
sigh.. really wanna pon school tomorrow..
tralalalala~ probably will just go to school all the same..
my birthday wish like what i always wish for:
^yepp. that's my wish..
wish that 2g2 finally have an outing..
ahhh~~ you know when most 2g2 have lunch now...
and it's seemed like we are like hanging out together alot..
i miss 2g2... oh well...
grace.... i miss playing whacko at the back of the class
where we all just laugh and play till the teacher comes..
your class... seemed like.... you know what i'm trying to get

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

got a present from bro.. even though birthday was like what..2 days later...
but honestly... it's kindda ironic.. considering it's little miss sunshine
but like how i'll understand that when i push people away..
all i'm actually doing is hurting them even more.
when the main motive is not to hurt them..
in some kindda way... it's weird huh?
well... had a talk... i dunno.. i think i sounded insincere
since of course, it was kindda planned out or something..
but then again, i really like thank you .. for being
awesome friends.. val and grace
for being there..
of course. grace will be jealous if i write it here... so
yeah. keeping it a secret~