Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blinded Tears

I must proclaim. EXAMS. ARE. OVER.
well tentatively the major ones are not, but for now, it's time to relax a bit
and take a chill pill!!

Have we been so focused on running away,
and choosing not to admit what had went wrong?
Tears keep running and running,
it was making no sense.
I was after all made of flesh and blood,
emotions run through me.

Yet I haven't forgotten the basic.
That I still hurt, that i still care.

The numb feeling I use to live
In denial.
Had been scrubbed bare clean

You said you don't know me. I don't know myself either. How many layers I have.. how many layers I hide. What are my true feelings. When will one day I will put an end and said enough is enough. Question marks swirl in my head. Yes, you tried to understand me, you did. But you couldn't walk into my world. For tightly i shut.

I grasped tightly. curling my fingers together. I want to hold something, and never letting it go.

Whispering. Help.

Crouching at a corner, the tears seeped. I walked past you, wondering what's wrong.

I promised laoshi I will take care of someone from now on. Her problems i might not understand, but i can try to help.

Because right now, all i can do is hear her cries


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