Sunday, August 28, 2011

Holding Strong

Went out with nat today!! Am a happy girl!!
Been so long since i last hang out with her. She's after all one of the LFMiss her a lot.. And lower sec life, there is never a time to be emo or upset, because there is always the sick minded Hasee, the one who talk abt food all day carmy, the battery hen who laugh non stop ama, the shopping freak jojo, the nerdy rekhy and of course the anime freak nat plus me the ducky! ))): Miss how we used to be so close!! NOT THAT WE ARE NOT CLOSE. But it was funnnn~~

Oh btwww.. My jap name is Kumori~ Little cloud (:
Sapphire chan came up with it!! I went to study with her yesterday! was funnnn~! I finish one paper and a half!! Heee. Hope to go out with her another time soon!! Can't wait to learn jap more and sign language! And she's awesome with her fingers... X. X i was so amazed by her skills.. hee. But then again she take piano so it's kindda expected too no?
I saw them, and for a moment or so, I was so afraid. Fear grabbed me, and i wonder why I even have the courage to say no. I guess I'm trying so hard to avoid you i guess. I just don't want those set of eyes, i can't handle it. worrying and carrying, and being so distant later.
Trust you break again and again, close i am getting, doors are locked, bottles are smashed. Tears are hidden, smiles are masked.

Nat gave me quite a lot of things to think of.
"You're not truly happy are you?" " Can tell one la,that something big happened to you, just don't know what."
"Your smiles are getting tighter and tighter."
"If you don't have anyone to turn to, you will crack you know. You are already showing signs of cracking"

nat invited me over to her church, should I?


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