Tuesday, July 1, 2014


so recently has seen me making quite drastic changes in well.. mostly lots of things, that may or may not have went against what I used to be. But I guess, that's what life do to you, we changed. Change is perhaps constant, but what if you change, and no one is there to support you anymore?

Well, maybe I always have the ability to experience things earlier than people but here goes about changes, about commitment, about life. We make commitment to people, embracing them is perhaps only just the minimum requirement, but what comes after that, are we still going to be there for them even when they changed? To love and care for the changed person.

So facing perhaps one of the toughest decision I made, so I send my appeal letter to transfer. Yes, i know. Many would start killing me for it, what happened to your love for arts, what happened to you who love econs. Didn't you harp so much about going there, then why are you leaving it before it started. For all those who said that, and believed that it was purely an impulse or that I did it because of influence, and after my explanations, still believed, otherwise. I guess I could only say I tried my best to explain even when it wasn't necessary about me, and my path. Yes then again, maybe my best wasn't enough, but sometimes if you have to keep trying to be understood, there will come a time, where I rather shut off and not talk anymore. 

It is gonna be a uphill battle yes. And probably one where I doing it with the bare minimum support. I used to gain strength from my friends and their faith in me, but recently, maybe all I get are disapproval and im just sick of it. 


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