Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Because i keep posting emo stuff, i thought it would be nice to post something cheerful.

This was apparently taken 2 years ago where my clique finally had full attendance for outing. I have no idea what I was trying to do in the photo. That day was dress up day where apparently everyone was supposed to wear nice attire instead of usual shorts and tee shirt, or at least attempted to. X)

So here you go, nine of us. It was supposedly 11 of us but val went america and sam went naffa and to new york to pursue dance. So those who are in singapore, are only these few peeps. It was always hard to find a common date because we are all in different schools. I remembered this day as the day we nearly got kicked out of chat because we were making so much noise. These girls were what kept me sane or insane during my upper secondary school days.



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