Thursday, July 29, 2021

to the girl who has got her heart broken

 I just dont understand how he could just leave me, hanging there without turning back

I wish I could tell you that it gets easier with each day, that time heals all wounds

but sometimes it doesn't. 

It just doesn't get easier, it's funny how at that moment you remember. 

You remember how you guys met, how quickly chats turn into laughter, how his concerns just triumph over everyone's. His smile that turns you weak, you remember how you wanted to share all the little, the tiniest of things with him. You remember how your moods rises with each ping for messages from him and how they fall when the messages were from someone else.

How everything seem so special, so uniquely you and him. How your heart flutter with the things he done for you, when he fork out precious time of his busy schedule, or the mrt rides that make no sense. You remember how you love the nicknames he gave you, no matter how cheesy. 

He said I love you first and for that moment, you felt that moment you could almost believe him. Believe that he loves you no matter what, you sought out to be the very best of his friend, to know him so well, to be the pillar he could rely on. 

All the dashing in the rain, the food you made for him, the things he make for you. How he took care of you when you were sick, how he calm you down during those stressful days. You remember how much you adore each other in that love bubble of yours and how you wanted to believe he could be that person that you settle for.

And that was just it.

You broke each other hearts, one too many times. A mistake you two just suddenly could not forgive. 

He left that night, but he didnt leave with the memories didn't he?
That's what make goodbyes so hard. Someone just always held on longer, even though they knew the other person was never coming back. 

The more the memories stayed, the more hurt you got for not getting over him. You always thought, heck even everyone thought you would be able to move on first. 

But that's the tricky thing about love I guess, you just never do.

A part of you will always remember what it was like to love him, to love him for him, to love what you guys had. But it never has to be a bad thing, a bad aftertaste. You guys may never talk again, but you knew, you will always wish the best for him. 

You wish that he found the path he always wanted to be, to always have someone he love, to have people to come home to, to have friends to confide in, to always have that smile you fell for, to be happy, to be sad, to go out there and live a great life, and you know some may call you a fool, some may even think you're faking it, but you genuinely wish him well. Wish him the best even, because if you couldn't be the best for him, he still deserves it.

So go ahead, be not okay that he left. Be sad that you guys are no longer accomplice in crimes, be heartbroken, because it definitely hurts, to lose something you once called yours, and that's okay. That's more than okay. That's just what it was like to fall in love


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