Thursday, April 29, 2010

this is so fun, i have completely grew insane.
gone were the days where i would sleep at sane hours
another one is leaving, i will miss her.
her and her boiiing.
managed to completely lose myself to insanity.
with every single day, i have grown used to things.
remembering to lock all doors and windows.
fell asleep and forget to wake up. -.-
end up at tiong. again
being awesome as usual, i have managed to misplace my specs.
: O
i had no freaking clue it dropped out..
was like damn slow...
"idiot, how did you manage lose it??"
" i decided to sleep and put my specs in my pocket.."
" why the hell do you do that..?!"
"who ever heard of people sleeping with their specs?!"
" it's even more retarded to go looking for your specs!!"

and that's how i almost become a bat today!
caramel is turning violent.. and she says i'm violent...
gosh. the song was introduced by my sis!
then went out with my brother-in-law
which has turned to my son~ haha.
she's violent... i had a red hand print from assembly to prove it.
re: 老师,我是从来没感情的。。

Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus
Huic ergo parce, Deus
Pie Jesu Domine
Judicandus homo reus:
Huic ergo parce, Deus.
Pie Jesu Domine

Lala's lullaby

Sunday, April 25, 2010

today, you have finally make me give up
on what i used to believe and showed me that
things are way too fragile.
from now on, i will not care anymore
for what's the point of caring for you
has brought me? i do not mean to be
calculative. but it really sucks when
you are the only one caring.
the thing is whether in the past or now,
i was never a part. so by making it
damn obvious now, you have
showed me that all these months
how stupid and foolish i was to
keep believing in things.

Friday, April 23, 2010

a miracle happen today (:
we managed to *gasp* study...
yayness... i got a new mortal now (:
who send manual nudges every single time
last time i check it was all the way till 180..
tumblr ftw~

Thursday, April 22, 2010

people are falling sick these days
i hope they get well soon,
my condolences to you.
don't be too sad. death comes, and when it comes may the departed one leave with no regrets.
being caught in the situation, have i not been a friend, would i have chose to keep quiet
perhaps. then was i a friend to have chosen not to keep quiet.

a thousand thanks.. if i had done it alone,
i swear i would have just -

this song was from you.
"shining right before our eyes,
the glittering sunset
inside my chest
a profound love like nothing i have ever felt before
if i say to myself that i'm fine on my own
i'm telling a lie
i've been passing time like this
but from now on, you're the only one
i'll never part from
time and time again, i'll send it to you
what you're looking for
all your hesitation will melt away
let's live and forever love

with shadows inching closer on a steep path
the feel of your clasped hand
it seemed like that gently
tenderly erased the pain

what kind of a future are you painting?
the image of your young self
finding the first star of the evening
now, i'll give it to you

time and time again, i'll sing for you
my precious one
the single most undeniable treasure in this world
believe in love

you're the only love forever
no matter when
i'm confident i'll protect you forever
the thorns stuck deep within your heart
if they're pulled out, i'll hold you close

an endless dream

time and time again, i'll grant it for you
everything that you wish for
the single most undeniable brilliance in this world
believe in love

time and time again, i'll give it to you
what you're looking for
all your hesitation will melt away
and let's live, together.

how many times have i cried in front of you?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

somehow looking at posts i have made
looking back at the blogs i used to create
i find myself utterly childish
and immature. take the first month for example of this blog.
it was all about.. or mostly.. yes choir
i'm not saying that's bad or anything but i would think i write more sensible stuff there.
well, not that i'm very smart *cough* nor very mature
but with things these days, it is hard not to wish one was stronger, was more confidant towards things. still found no mood nor reason to smile, sorry h. today, i have managed to prove i have utter no sense in balance. managed to survive the whole of today with little sleep.
omg. a lizard just came croaking into my room... so cool- squeal.
i realise my sis and her husband are very violent. very. very.
just look at the handprint that stayed with me throughout the whole of assembly..
also, due to my consistent fretting over my red patch,
the smart one went to draw an X.
well, tomorrow she says she's gonna help me differentiate left to right o.o
hope lp get well soon otherwise sun's plans might be cancelled
D; no h, i still don't want to smile.

Monday, April 19, 2010

99th post
let's see
i still have homework to do
and i'm from waknuk, cause i'm a deviant

what problems do d face while teaching p?

sub d= duck, p= pickles.

and you get me laughing every time i try to teach her something :D
things have been going wayward
i miss going back to where it used to be
but life goes on.
reading this book called a duck who won the lottery ^^
mel and i took quite a long time to find books.
von keep saying the secret is an epic fail book/movie.
cheer up sh, it has just started
and who knows? change is the only constant
might as well, go on ahead and
no. the next person to ask me to cheer up/smile
is gonna get it from me. today is just effing wrong.
making me lie to myself is even worse
am i selfish? i don't know the words still sting.
perhaps i'm really selfish. selfish to the core.
only caring about myself and never about others
always telling people how miserable i am
and expecting them to pathetically listen to me
yep. i'm one heck selfish bitch

how stupid i am to believe in forever.
selfish to think you still do.
apparently i'm no innocent, nor
have i been pure and definitely not beautiful.
dammit, i'm still thinking of today
i'm more upset than pissed off.
when people say it's their fault, i feel even bad
that they are blaming themselves.
but still.
you are the most selfish person i know

it hurts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

dear dear blog i have for quite some time,
won't be posting up for a period of time
due to some issues.
damn bloody ****
i hate it. i hate how they are so *******
i hate how i'm even bothered
even affected
still holding on to the very wish i
had made on my birthday

Friday, April 9, 2010


my friends think i'm crazy
all the best people are~
hehe. my teachers still recognize me.. as the mad person who jump around all day. teeheehee.
was late, was tempted by lp to stay awhile with her to do chem..
in the end, reach so late, was practically running...
LOVE the green.
jojo waited for quite a while.. hehe.. the only thing i can think of is how she looks like a flower girl or someone going to a beach. HEHE XD
she's so loud sometimes it scares me..
then met up with joey.. HEHE. she came later than me
saw soul sister, evil line, deb and hasee!
gave everyone a hug to encourage..
hehe, then soul sister just say how she model the way...
damn nice. really glad i went, took cam pics with jojo
look retarded. so does my outfit.
pril is freaking me out. afterall, she's my sl!
*secret lover
always stalk me. tsk.
HEHE. saw a lot of people at band concert.
the only comment i got was that i look like a rebel.
o.o then stay till real late, just talking to jojo.
don't quit. looking forward to june!
2 weeks of JOY, 2 weeks of CHAOS.
plans plans plans. a lot of stuff need to be done.
so little time.. aaahh!!
hehe. my friends are so nice~~~
one wanna bake, the other wanna cook...
teeheehee. i'm a disaster in experiments
so say drea~ hehe. i broke and did an experiment
dunno how many times. HEHE

feel like woah~~ oh oh woah woah oh~~~
love love love songs
yep. music. poems. storybooks. are things you must die for..
DAMN NICE... well. hope things are ok with jo!
YAYNESS. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE TODAY- just in case i didn't post later after concert.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I finnnnallly got back my piano book

today was funnnn~~ sleepwalking to school....
then met von! try out, in the end, went with the hoodie. :D
started on the assignment caramel had given during lit.
caramel say it was nicely done. well, hopefully so.
hehe. they are doing cwo..
lit was so fun~ i was running up and down...
lunch, had a race with faridah/fatin/fariHAHA
i swear my chem tchr love giving us weird nicks..
then was trying to teach drea how to play
but in the end, she was the one who taught me. HEHE
started listening to the first ever band i ever love
"It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cos you're my special thing
I'm flying without"
when you say nothing at all~ another fave
choir was awesome!
the lil gay les are here!
they always cheer me up
i'm very matured ok!!!
hehe. wols. took a long time to figure it out.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

i'm damn scared of tmr.
of what it mays bring.
i'm scared i will end up doing the things i hate myself for.
i'm terrified it will turn out badly
i'm scared i can't back down.
i'll be upset if i will do the same things
and worst still, i have to go to sing tmr.
fml \m/
damn high yesterday.
i'm not crazzzzy.. i'm just crazzzzy in love with an obese caramel~~~
and things that happen yesterday.. HEHE
standing outside the class as though we have punishment or something..
but nope! we are all holy angels.... -see the halo-
HAHAHA. i drop my precious pen :( i just got it the day only... meh D:
carmen's test won't work. I KNOW THAT.
i stand against the motion. HEHE
remind me of the court case we did, where joann is the judge...
SHUT UP - jo ann

-carmen. yes you infected me. your highness, you have infected me
with your smile~

Saturday, April 3, 2010

i miss them

i miss talking to them. a lot.
i miss her insults, i miss her saying i'm stupid. i miss all that
talks and going out every single day of the school.
i miss talking crap, talking about what we went through.
i miss how we prank, how we laugh at each other,
i miss talking about what happen to me to them.
i miss the couple jokes.
i hate it how now we're separated, not talking to each other
not caring for one another. going back to not talking
to those two about what happen. i used to love going
to choir just to hang out with. now, i don't know what
i look forward to. i hate how i'm turning so emo.
everything changes. somehow, i wonder why
the friendship never last through those changes.
i wish it did. cause i love hanging out with them.
being with them has been a relief from
whatever crap i face in class or choir.
they cheer me up, help me when i need it.
now, i really wish they're back.

watch finish starlit tears.
finally started to do my hw.
eeps. hopefully can finish.
88th post!
this is stupid. i just posted up stuff and it was deleted. oh well.
shall remember next time then post it up
too tired to do it now.
fell sick. again.

Friday, April 2, 2010

so tiring to speak to someone who is full of hatred.
change is inevitable.. it's up to us to make the best out of it.
yesterday was fun.
lost my voice today.
cvttm01 is in process of failing. >:(