Thursday, December 31, 2009

shall take my medicine on time...
been going really weird all morning..
well hw has been just..
2 eng compre
1 book reviews

3 math papers
End of year revision



chinese letter

chinese book review

3chapters left

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ahaha. i feel so much better now
that joyce is gonna sing k with me soon
hopefully soon bah~ woots
though it will be nice to invite all the com members
this time..
i got a new pencil~ ahaha..
just seriously start on those letters...
otherwise i will be.. well...
at least she can't torture me.. that bad..
as carmen did the last time..
can't go swimming.. gah...
and please i hope nobody ever call me during this period
i sound as though i'm croaking no actually more like quacking
according to my brothers..
my brothers are weird.. but they cheer you up when you're down
and pissed you off the next second later..
some jokes.. lame jokes apparently..

me: why are you crying and laughing at the same times??
him: haha.. sobbss.. one eye is crying.. the other is laughing...

him: don't hit my stomach.. got baby you know
me: haha.. let me help you do an abortion
him: no.. meh...
me: you're too young to have a chid.. i will be sacrificial and help you get rid of it..

me: let's do slow motion slap.. i'll slap you..
and i did a missed slap and then a real slap..

him: i'm gonna be rich one day.. and i'm gonna build a bungalow and i built some room for you?
me: oh.. ok.. which one
him: guest room
me: know what i will built for you to stay over?
him: guest room?
me: nope. toilet

me: thanks for taking care of my stuff
here's your payment..
raise 5 fingers and slap!

i feel like an evil step-sister somehow..

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

posted up on OD what happened yesterday
don't feel like doing it again here..
and there is so many people reading this blog
haha. grace go read it~ just don't show it to anyone else

Sunday, December 27, 2009

to you:

你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢
能不能就讓 悲傷全部 結束在此刻 重新開始活著

i wish you will forget the pain.. or embrace your past
to have the happiness you deserve.

tata.. i hate you!! just kidding~
like i say, i don't hate people..
oh well.. been playing piano all day
don't know.. i feel more sleepy sleeping longer
oh well but at least i'm sleeping at a regular time now
oh well... they are going jp tmr.. wish i can go
oh well LF~
are you all free on jan 9th?
if you are.. well we can hang out at my house
aaah.. sad.. carmen and jojo won't be there..
oh well.. maybe next time then
sigh.. catching cold..

Saturday, December 26, 2009

i'm shocked.
do i count as a friend then?
valetta.. why do you know so little chinese songs!?!?
i will look retarded on 28...
joyce... why can't you be free?!?!
i haven't seen you for very long already...
haha.. though we always end up laughing like mad people
and people kept throwing stares at us...
but you're probably the first so called senior
i actually become friends with...
i remember you always had a very VERY hard
time trying to teach me...
ahaha.. i remember your bf is supposed to come after
me with a chopper~
i miss you a lot..
though you wanted me to be an accomplished person
like you but i guess i can't fulfill your wish
and that is something i regretted a lot.
but i can't even communicate to you
telling you i'm sorry for letting you down
you have expected the two of us to be
accomplished person like you had been
and to continue the cycle,
to teach other people.
i miss you a lot..
never mind.. i will see you in 3years time.
oh.. to this person..
listen to this song..
this is the #15 time i changed my blog
stop finding it!!
i won't be bothered to change anymore if you find this one.
won't be going k..
val say i'm gonna get kidnapped...
thanks people..
you make me so happy knowing i'll be blamed
if we all end up cancelling SCO #01
oh well...
i miss playing chinese songs... better return me my book soon...
2 eng compre
2 book reviews

3 math papers
End of year revision



chinese letter

chinese book review

4chapters left

this is why i always leave english to the last...
oh why can't they work?
why do they have take so many days off?
How am i supposed to do my book reviews?!?!
i guess the ti yan compo i just write about piano...
i seriously don't know what to write..
i miss my first piano teacher...
which i can see her again though it
is not really possible..
i'm turning into a nocturnal~
slept at 6.. haha..
was listening to music till 3..
then toss and turn till 6..
before i finally fell alseep till 7.30
which is like wth.. 1hr 30mins...
i don't want wear that freaking thing.. ugh

Friday, December 25, 2009

i'll be the candle on your water~
i sang this in choir.. very nice song
though it is only sop and alto part only
still a nice song to sing

Just played finish 菊花台,童话 and why we sing first page.. woots..

Should start saving up money to fix the piano.. it’s starting to fall apart..

Well, gah.. cause I was sleeping on the sofa.. I had to wake up at freaking 7,30!!!

Which means only 4hrs and 30mins of sleep.. gah..

my blog is dead.. so stop reading it!!!

well.. to keep this blog kindda not so gloomy or something...

i got a soft toy dog which is damn cute~~

oh and facebook have some kindda weird problem

which does not allow me to upload pictures

thus anyone who wanna see the videos of the 2 lil angels

and me flying should just ask me~

i will be glad to show you.

hate is a strong word

and i can't hate someone.. cause i always end up forgiving the person.

the longest time i actually hated a person was a day?

oh well.. crap hell..

i don't even know whether i can go to sing k

hopefully can bah..

Thursday, December 24, 2009

i don't know.. i guess tata is right... for once..
we can't expect everyone to think that way..
perhaps i am just freaking out too much
wtf is wrong with you??
isn't she your friend??
then why are you backstabbing her???
i may not be her friend but i'm getting pissed off

oh well... i should change to OD soon..
shall try not to write too emo stuffs here..
but just wanna say i read your past..
your life...
i may not understand/have experienced the same thing
but know i'll always be there
though i doubt you will know i'm talking about you here
but yeah...

on the other hand, went to china
was ok.. i guess...
i'm a carnivore surviving in a vegetarian world...
and i guess the food there grossed me out
I'm abstaining from eating duck meat..
it's just seemed so immoral now..
well.. there was twins in the tour group~
i'm closer to elis i guess..
she's from choir~~ like me!
and she's in the sop2.. haha.. i used to be in the same section as her
and i guess we got close...
the twins are sooo cute!!

relatives are coming over.. miss them..
haha.. will be playing cards which usually end up in me winning.. ^^
i miss the LF alot... hopefully i can give them their presents before new year
which remind me....
i need to get gifts for the choir people... aargh!! no time!!
we are going singing~~
i doubt it is actually a secret com outing
considering there is only 4 people coming..
and guess what? all sec2 com people~~
then we probably just crap alot..
and according to tatasauce..
they probably just laugh at me alot..
oh joy.. i'm looking forward to it already

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

were we once friends?
i don't get you
sometimes you're so nice.. next moment you're so...
i really don't know...
are we even friends to begin with?
I realise it the hard way
you can't have it both ways
and what did you say?
i can keep my opinions to myself
we may be similar but we are world apart
it hurt to know that i had once treat you as a friend
and to know i was never one in your eyes
Lemme hear what you're saying...
Are we still friends?
Cause all i'm doing now is running away
from your eyes
here's hoping you will never find it
lalala... i lazy to post down the rest of the trip in china
but was damn awe-struck by the art there.
well there is quote that struck me the most:
the artist is not bound by his tools, he is bound by only his imagination

i lost my pencil... booo.. :(((( still feeling very depressed over choir...hope it will fade away.. .perhaps i'm just moody during this time of year
i wish i can sing the songs of my pri sch...
who can see the wind
cantate domino
remember me
and other etc songs which i have forgotten
but i love who can see the wind...
wish they had let us keep our scores..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

we began to sing... and i realise there was this man who kept taking photos...
oh well... i guess it runs in the blood..
then hugs from the a1s peeps... i feel like not going to china already.. :(
we took choir photos! claudia's mum is so nice~ just like claudia~
then carmen, xinyuan and i went with yb and her dad to the mrt..
we went around in circles lor..
xinyuan was like emoing in a corner
and i was wearing my freaking court shoes...
then we took mrt... haha.. i have another stalker now..
but she's very scary... that reminds me i need to start writing letters to people
and get ready all the gifts that i owe people...
damn touched by april's gift..
im like the yong tau foo in my family...
and im wearing 2 layers... and i'm still in sgp...
-.- i prayed for evan's flower to last till i come back
the 2 lil angels was running around the airport with the trolley.. -.-

well, have lunch with the sop2... was really disappointed in the attendance
i didn't really know what to do
well firstly i'm allowed to be crappy... i only have 4 hours of sleep
from 2.30 to 6.45.. gosh... i think i had a nightmare
where there was silence.. just complete silence
oh well i was desperate for sleep when my phone rang
grace came back!! woots!
i finally have someone to complain to!
cause if i just go randomly telling people emo stuff
they will think i'm freaking out... which i'm not
surprisingly, i reach redhill on time with stephanie
i played piano awhile, when i got my first fake flowers from yb
thanks yb
i guess while yb played, i was filling grace in on my pathetic life
we sang through once
put on makeup... eee... hate putting makeup on.. was running around...
refusing to put makeup...
we took a bus coach there...
i was shocked by how echoey the place is.. if there is such word
i was once again the heater...
cold-blooded people... evan gave flower.. so nice..
we did chipmunk version.. lip drills...
so fun hanging out with the a1s peeps

i won't say we are perfect or anything
in fact we were out of tune for a few songs
but after all the practices and to finally perform.
it was worth all the practices we had came for
all this while.

the next will be a very long post
i just come back from china
and written a travel log including the one in the concert
should have done this long time ago
oh well.. korea and hong kong would have be lengthy

Friday, December 11, 2009

ahh... i feel so terrible...
gah... I'm sad. full stop.
actually i'm more than sad..
i'm depressed/emoing/ feeling very very low..
ok.. to the point of thinking i suck alot is not really very low
but still it's enough to make me feel like wanting to just go emo in a corner

Thursday, December 10, 2009

choral flourish- dynamics?
salve- the tune i guess. the lacry ma--aah
alleluia- the e note... and not going off tune.. come in on time... sing louder
diu diu dang a- practice on the ho? hey ya hey also..
da hai ah- dynamics.. and feelings i guess... airy..
why we sing- feelings?
you raise me up- airy...
joilk- sing with clauida~ it helps.. the split i guess
kalinka- the vi mei nyah...

gosh.. i'm not very confident in singing in tune..
and i'm very easily influenced... ugh..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
for those who actually take lit next year,
you will be put to sleep by the 2nd chapter itself
seriously it's damn... and we're gonna be stuck with it for 2 years

oh and val found the da hai lyrics translated into eng:
in case anyone is thinking..
e does not stand for evan...
oh well, today was fun.. in some freakish sortha way
in a way.. i beginning to enjoy choir more...
like it gone back to last times..
anyway, looking forward to section lunch on sat
please let there be more people.
the last one was just pathetic.. :x

freaky how i'm always complaining my choir tee is too big
when it is like the same size like almost everyone else
oh well... i still can't believe my shirt got "stolen".
oh so was my shoes... for that matter..
my bros got their haircut!
they look like perfect devils from hell darling lil angels.
sigh.. guess we're not running at all this whole week.. >.<
i think the thing is still with that damn e note...
and i realise that if i don't fix it soon..
i'm gonna die for almost all the songs.

note to caramel/carmey/carmen: I'm not a duck/daffy's wife etc. I'm just plain daphne.. and i appreciate very much if you don't treat me like a heater nor scare me from behind. thank you.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

you know e..
i probably feel even more useless than you..
at least somehow you have like the support and all
the facial expression..
which i totally lack
and you can like lead... even if it means goofing around somehow
you still managed to lead...
and i don't think i will ever want to do that
just that the senior's words keep holding me back..
Then again, you should really do something about
them listening...

oh well... there's section lunch to look forward to~
i really want to sing better and be stronger..
but things don't really happened what they want

oh why did we become so distant..
where there is no more words exchange than those necessary..
where the only thing binding to us together is the once upon a time..
when we spoke.. all we say was fine, thing's are ok.. they are alright
pour your complaints, i'm willing to listen
but you shut me out with just this sentence
that i won't understand.
what won't i understand when you won't even try to explain..
we used to be so close..
and we used to talk about almost anything under the sky
but when did we grew so distant
where the things we had is now once upon a time..
tell me what happen to those times.

i realised that there is this strange thing i had to
go ramble away to other subjects..
like we can be talking complaining about something
and i will just go like, "you know, i love lollipop.."
then i get weird stares..

Friday, December 4, 2009

today, there is only one word to describe it.
well, i'm still trying my very best to anchor my notes and think low..
but honestly, i can't really do the e note.. like i will go either too low or sharp
but usually it is easier to sing higher notes for me..
aahhh... i don't know what do leh..
i feel so useless...
oh well, mustn't give up..
just 8 days away..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

is that what i truly am?
a quitter?
it sucks knowing that in the eyes
of people, you have no place.
and you know that
you basically are not strong at all
no support, nothing. zitch.. ditto.. nadda.
i just feel like slapping someone..
or at least just emo in a corner..
i really don't know what to do.
today just put me off.. in a totally horrible mood.